Civilisztikai Tanszék

The Modern Family in the Law of the United States - Lecture Two (Prof. Dr. Maria Pabón előadása)

Oktatási Központ/5. emelet-509. Dékáni tárgyaló (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/5. emelet-509. Dékáni tárgyaló

Oktatási Központ

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In the United States, “one of the law’s most important and far-reaching roles is to govern family life and family members. Family law decides how family relationships are created and dissolved, and what legal rights and responsibilities come with marriage, parenthood, and other family bonds. Furthermore, family law permits and enforces a wide variety of economic exchanges within the family. Spouses [and sometimes cohabitants] are free to enter into legally valid agreements specifying with great variety, creativity, and detail how they will distribute property, earnings, and other economic assets between themselves during and after their relationship.” Hasday, 2014.  After identifying the basic contours of family law in the United States, these two lectures will examine notable legal aspects in modern family law, including (1) premarital contracts, (2) marriage regimes such as Louisiana’s covenant marriage, same sex marriage, and how these are dissolved, including property distribution and child custody, (3) cooperative parenting agreements, (4) surrogacy and assisted human reproduction, (5)  the rights of grandparents and other third parties to custody and visitation of children.  Additionally, the rights of spouses, cohabitants and children to inherit family property by will and by intestacy will be discussed as well. 


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Civilisztikai Tanszék