Nemzetközi Jogi Tanszék

Trade policy and the art of negotiation in the EU’s decision-making process

Oktatási Központ/Földszint-III. előadó (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/Földszint-III. előadó

Oktatási Központ

Show room on map

Through the lecture of Mr. Máté Kander, who is currently working as the Policy Assistant to the Director-General for Trade at the European Commission, participants can discuss the strategic orientations of the EU’s external trade policy in a shifting international context. What used to be a rules-based order founded on predictable norms and stable procedures is now harmed by those who once helped to shape it, and destabilised by new, emerging players. In this context, the Commission has earlier this year adopted a new trade strategy highlighting a renewed focus on openness and multilateralism, the continued need to expand the EU’s world wide web of bilateral trade agreements, as well as the importance of strengthening EU autonomous measures to allow the bloc to assertively defend its interests. Participants can gain an insight into the conduct of EU trade negotiations with third country partners, as well as inter-institutional aspects of EU trade policy formulation.

Az esemény témája: kereskedelempolitikai döntéshozatali mechanizmusok és tárgyalástechnikai módszertan vizsgálata az EU-ban. A rendezvény angol nyelvű.

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Dear Student!

Please note that participation in the event is a "dormitory scoring event" for students of our University.

Please bring the QR code you received with LudEvent upon registration to the event.

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Organised by

Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies, Department of International Law

Dr. András Hárs, PhD, lecturer