U.S. Trade Policy Issues

by Jesse Richman, László Örlős

Oktatási Központ/1. emelet-112-113. MULTI (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/1. emelet-112-113. MULTI

Oktatási Központ

1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.
Show room on map

One of the roundtable discussions organized by the NUPS American Studies Research Institute reviewed a US and China centered trade war that is part of a wider geopolitical conflict between the two powers. This year we make an attempt to discuss the general nature of trade wars as well as current US trade actions and their impact on the rules-based Multilateral System including the WTO and the Bretton Woods institutions.

Organised by

Amerika Tanulmányok Kutatóintézet

Csizmazia Gábor, Kozma Klementína