100 Years of Estonian-Hungarian diplomatic relations: Contacts and Mergers – From Past Experiences to the Digital Transformation - Anniversary Conference on E-Governance and Cybersecurity

Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.
Show room on map

The International Directorate, the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies and the Institute of Cyber Security of the Ludovika - University of Public Service, together with the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia are pleased to organise an

Anniversary Conference on E-Governance and Cybersecurity:

„100 Years of Estonian-Hungarian diplomatic relations.

Contacts and Mergers -  From Past Experiences to the Digital Transformation”

Date: 10th February 2022, 08.30-17.30

Venue: University of Public Service, Ludovika Main Building (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.), St. Ladislaus Chapel

The language of the event is English.

The Conference will be a hybrid event that can be followed in person and online.

Both personal and online attendance is subject to registration.

We would like to kindly draw your attention to the fact that only those can participate at the event in person who present an EU Digital COVID Certificate or Hungarian certificate of vaccination upon entering the venue of the conference. Please note that due to epidemiological preventive measures that are in place at the University, the participants' number is limited in the Chapel, therefore we kindly ask you to make your registration at your earliest convenience.

UPS students can acquire college points by participating at the event personally or online.

The registration is open until 11.59 p.m. on 7th February 2022, or in case of personal attendance until the capacity of the Chapel is full.

For those who were not able to register for personal attendance, but still intend to attend the event in person, we are preparing a waiting list. In such case please indicate your intention to ludovika.registration@uni-nke.hu no later than 7th February.

The online streaming will be provided via MS Teams. To those who register for online attendance, the link of the MS Teams meeting  will be forwarded by 8th February 2022 by e-mail.

The organisers look forward to welcoming you at the event. 

Organised by

International Directorate & Institute of Cyber Security, UPS, Embassy of the Republic of Estonia