100 Years of Estonian-Hungarian diplomatic relations: Contacts and Mergers – From Past Experiences to the Digital Transformation - Anniversary Conference on E-Governance and Cybersecurity
Thursday 10 February 2022 -
Monday 7 February 2022
Tuesday 8 February 2022
Wednesday 9 February 2022
Thursday 10 February 2022
08:00 - 08:30
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
Opening speech by Prof. Dr. Boglárka Koller, Vice Rector for International Affairs of Ludovika - UPS and H.E. Ms. Kristi Karelsohn, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Hungary
Opening speech by Prof. Dr. Boglárka Koller, Vice Rector for International Affairs of Ludovika - UPS and H.E. Ms. Kristi Karelsohn, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Hungary
08:30 - 08:50
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
Panel I: Towards a digital society: the two defining decades
Panel I: Towards a digital society: the two defining decades
08:50 - 10:00
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
Two decades ago, the magyarorszag.hu portal, the flagship project of the Hungarian electronic public administration, was launched. At the same time, almost exactly two decades ago, in 2000, the first e-government service and the pioneering electronic signature system were launched in Estonia. The conference’s inaugural panel discussion (which puts former key players in the developments at a “virtual round table”) highlights the first two decades of government digitization in the two states celebrating the centenary of their relations: showing similarities and differences, success stories, and dead ends.
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:30
Room: 2. emelet-230. Zsibongó/Ludovika Főépület
Panel II: Utilization of public data
Panel II: Utilization of public data
10:30 - 11:45
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
One of the most pressing issues in the digitalization of public sectors is the utilization of public data. Mass-generated data promises a new golden age, but it comes at a price. The possession and openness of the data, and thus its actual usability, provokes lively social debates in many countries. At the same time, in connection with public data, issues of privacy and consumer protection are increasingly on the agenda, and even - in the form of data sovereignty - big politics is asking for a word on this topic. In the field of utilization of open public data, Estonia has become an international “trendsetter” by the beginning of the 2020s, so its experience may be particularly interesting.
Panel III: Electronic identification
Panel III: Electronic identification
11:45 - 13:00
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
The e-identification function provides the identification and authentication functions required for the use of electronic government and e-government systems with a higher level of security and efficiency than other systems. Its strategic importance is given by the fact that in the long run this function will be available not only at home, but also in other EU member states, with the help of which a cross-border electronic service system will be implemented. Undoubtedly, e-identity is an area where Estonia can claim perhaps the most spectacular, pioneering developments. Advanced solutions for digital identification (through, among other things, the “e-residency” function) have made the Baltic state a model country for social digitization.
Lunch break
Lunch break
13:00 - 14:15
Room: 2. emelet-230. Zsibongó/Ludovika Főépület
Panel IV: Cybersecurity – regulations and governance
Panel IV: Cybersecurity – regulations and governance
14:15 - 15:30
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
Nowadays, cybersecurity has become a central issue in the online realm. The rapid pace of digitalization of modern societies, with the parallel growth of the threat landscape, is highlighting the necessity of efforts and solutions to guarantee the safety of the cyber domain. Another field where Estonia became an undisputed “world leader”: the small Baltic country has become one of the world's most renowned innovators of cyber defense in the wake of the 2007 hacking attacks on its public and private IT systems. Among the efforts to guarantee the security of cyberspace, the development of international regulations and norms is of particular importance, and in this field Estonia has become a recognized “great power” of the European area. With the intensification of geopolitical tensions, cyber diplomacy is definitely in the forefront the EU’s stabilization efforts, with the elaboration of a whole range of coordinated security actions – a toolkit - regarding this digital frontier.
Coffee break
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:00
Room: 2. emelet-230. Zsibongó/Ludovika Főépület
Panel V: Cybersecurity - innovative solutions and resilience
Panel V: Cybersecurity - innovative solutions and resilience
16:00 - 17:15
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület
The escalation of cyber threats duting the global COVID pandemic highlighted the importance of critical infrastructure protection, involving the seeking of new forms of deterrence solutions. Besides, with the unprecedented intensification of malicious activities in the cyberspace, a new defence philosophy is taking shape. Without making the issue of cybersecurity an all-of-the-society priority, the search for norms is worthless. The rapid digitisation of the public administration sphere requires a reassessment of security aspects too. Cyber security has become a strategic issue: public organisations relying on digitised ecosystems face new cyberspace challenges not only from a technological point of view, but also from a legal, political, diplomatic, economic and military perspective. Cyber defence is not an engineers’ matter anymore. Social resilience is now the new focus and education can play a central role. The effective development of cybersecurity awareness is a model area where - within the current EU CASPA program - Estonian and Hungarian experts jointly elaborate innovative solutions.
Closing remarks
Closing remarks
17:15 - 17:30
Room: Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület