The conference is organised by the European Citizens Association and Ludovika - University of Public Service in the framework of the Thematic Excellence Program 2021 (TKP2021-NVA-16, Research Group on the International Security Environment of Europe and Hungary - Opportunities for Strategic Autonomy), Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary) College for Advanced International and European Studies (Ludovika - University of Public Service) and Puskás Tivadar College for Advanced Technological Studies (Ludovika - University of Public Service)
Date: 13 April 2022, 9:20 AM - 17:40 PM (CEST)
Venue: hybrid (onsite / online)
Keynote Speaker:
Language: English and Hungarian
Please, find the Final Program at the following link: LINK
!!!NKE Hallgató: a jelenléti eseményen való részvétel pontszerző!!!
Szilágyine Csollák Klára