
Plastic Pollution from the Inland Catchments to the Oceans Conference

1. emelet-100. Széchenyi Díszterem/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

1. emelet-100. Széchenyi Díszterem/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map

Pre-conference of the 
UN Ocean Conference, Lisbon, Portugal (27th June - 1st July, 2022)

Title: Plastic Pollution from the Inland Catchments to the Oceans

Organizers: Embassy of Portugal in Hungary & University of Public Service, Budapest

Timing:  3rd May, 2022
Location: Ludovika Campus, UPS, Budapest

Scope of the conference

All of us have more and more unpleasant experiences with plastic pollutions. There is simple no chance anymore to go somewhere without seeing plastic rubbish in the environment and unfortunately waters (rivers, lakes and marine ecosystems). The plastic input via the Danube into the Black Sea is estimated 4.2 tons per day, and studies show that between 8-12 million tons of plastic pollution flow into the oceans each year. This number is expected to more than triple by 2050, which means more plastic than fish in the oceans.

The problem is well known for several years. Despite current and emerging efforts to mitigate plastic-based waste, the presence of micro- and nano-plastics in the environment is unavoidable since they can persist for decades. Hence, a thorough understanding of the occurrence, fate and effects of these contaminants is essential for supporting the circular economy of plastics, mitigating environmental concerns and implementing regulations across the globe. This conference is aimed to give an overview on the latest developments in regard to the diverse challenges posed by plastic pollution. While the approach is based on exploratory and applied science, the presentations will be held for a wider audience.

The most important information and deadlines related to the conference:
The official language is English, participation is free, but registration is required. Online streaming is also available. The registered patricipants will receive the Ms Teams link on the day of the event via email.

Score for UPS students. UPS students can acquire college points by participating at the event personally or online.

Organised by

UPS Faculty of Water Sciences

Participant - personal attendance
UPS Participant - personal attendance
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