Constitutional Journey in the United States - Book launch event

John Lukács Társalgó (Ludovika Szárnyépület)

John Lukács Társalgó

Ludovika Szárnyépület

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.

The United States of America has come a long way since it became singular rather than plural in English, when the federal government rather than the States became predominant. Meanwhile, it must face the fact that the originally conceived moral, legal and economic vision, which is based on the self-governance of citizens committed to the common good, has been continuously eroding.
Through exciting anecdotes, the “Constitutional Journey in America” reveals the unique turning points and current challenges of American constitutionalism while shedding light on the distortion of American democracy as well as on the emerging threats to the values of traditional American way of life. Thus, the panel discussion explores the constitutional questions that are essential to understand the contemporary political debates both overseas and in Europe. The theory of the “living constitutions” and “originalism”, the importance of the Presidents’ “judicial politics” or the natural law traditions are among the topics that are to be discussed.
Furthermore, the discussion will also address the contemporary challenges the European cooperation faces in light of the lessons from overseas. If you want to understand the driving forces behind the constitutional debates on both sides of the Atlantic, this event is for you.

Organized by

Szakos Judit

University of Public Service - Student / NKE Hallgató