Politika- és Államelméleti Kutatóintézet

Art and Politics in Roger Scruton’s Conservative Philosophy

Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó (Ludovika Szárnyépület)

Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó

Ludovika Szárnyépület

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.

Art and Politics in Roger Scruton’s Conservative Philosophy

5 December 2022, 5-6.30pm (CET)

John Lukacs Lounge (UPS Ludovika Campus, Side Building, ground floor)



• Welcome by Bernát Török, director of Eötvös József Research Centre

• Book launch: Art and Politics in Roger Scruton’s Conservative Philosophy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) by Ferenc Hörcher, author of the book

• Panel discussion participants:

Robert Grant, monographer of Michael Oakeshott and

Anthony O’Hear, University of Buckingham

Ferenc Hörcher, UPS Research Institute for Politics and Government; ELKH Institute of Philosophy

• Q&A


Everyone is welcome!


The language of the book launch and the discussion is English.


Participation is free of charge, but subject to registration.


The event will also be available online via MS Teams.

Those who have registered will receive an email with the join link the day before the event.



Organised by

Politika- és Államelméleti Kutatóintézet
