The University of Public Service
Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies
cordially invites you to a
public lecture on American Democracy and Crisis
Dr. Stephanie Newbold
Associate Professor at Rutgers University,
Editor of the American Review of Public Administration:
American Democracy in Crisis – Lesson for Public Sector Leadership and Democratic Governance
Prof. Dr. Scott Frisch
Fulbright Scholar at UPS,
Founding Director and Professor at California State University Channel Islands:
The Institutional Causes and Potential Consequences of the “U.S.
Debt Limit Crisis”
Conclusions and discussion led by
Dr. Balázs Mártonffy
Director of the Institute for American Studies at Ludovika – UPS
Venue: University of Public Service, Educational Building, III. floor, room 316 (1089 Budapest, Üllői street 82. – from Nagyvárad square)
Date: 06 April 2023 (Thursday), 14:00-15:30
Apply: The event requires registration at the link below:
The language of the lecture is English.
We look forward to welcoming you at our event!
Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar
Vice-dean for International Affairs
Soós Boglárka