International Division

American Democracy in Crisis – Lessons for Public Sector Leadership and Democratic Governance c. előadás

316. terem (Oktatási Központ)

316. terem

Oktatási Központ


The University of Public Service
Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies

cordially invites you to a
public lecture on American Democracy and Crisis


Dr. Stephanie Newbold
Associate Professor at Rutgers University,
Editor of the American Review of Public Administration:
American Democracy in Crisis – Lesson for Public Sector Leadership and Democratic Governance


Prof. Dr. Scott Frisch
Fulbright Scholar at UPS,
Founding Director and Professor at California State University Channel Islands:
The Institutional Causes and Potential Consequences of the “U.S.
Debt Limit Crisis”

Conclusions and discussion led by
Dr. Balázs Mártonffy
Director of the Institute for American Studies at Ludovika – UPS

Venue: University of Public Service, Educational Building, III. floor, room 316 (1089 Budapest, Üllői street 82. – from Nagyvárad square)
Date: 06 April 2023 (Thursday), 14:00-15:30
Apply: The event requires registration at the link below:

The language of the lecture is English.

We look forward to welcoming you at our event!

Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar
Vice-dean for International Affairs



Soós Boglárka

NKE ÁNTK Nemzetközi Osztály