Regionális Együttműködési Osztály

The Indigenous Sámi People in Northern Europe

Földszint-Zrínyi terem/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

Földszint-Zrínyi terem/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map

The Minority Policy Research Group of the University of Public Service together with the Finnish Presidency of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council and the Finnish Embassy in Budapest is kindly inviting you to the lecture and round-table discussion: 

The Indigenous Sámi People in Northern Europe 


Welcome speech by Gergely Deli, Rector of the University of Public Service (UPS) 



H.E. Pertti Juhani Anttinen, Ambassador of Finland in Budapest

Iván Gyurcsík, Head of the Minority Policy Research Group of the University of Public Service

Ambassador Jari Vilén, Chairman of the Finnish Presidency of Barents Euro-Arctic Council 


Keynote Speech by Anni Koivisto, Vice Chair of the Sámi Parliament in Finland


Round-table discussion and Q/A section


Krisztián Manzinger,  Commissioned Head of Department of International Law, Károli Gáspár University a member of the Minority Policy Research Group


Anni Koivisto, Vice Chair of the Sámi Parliament in Finland

Elisabeth Sándor-Szalayné, Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities in Hungary

Norbert Tóth, Head of International Law DepartmentFaculty of Public Governance and International Studies, a member of the Minority Policy Research Group

Noémi Nagy, Associate professor International Law Department, Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies, a member of the Minority Policy Research Group


The event is in English, no interpretation is provided.

We are looking forward to Your kind participation!

Amb. Iván Gyurcsík, Head of the Minority Policy Research Group of the University of Public Service

Organised by

Kisebbségpolitikai Kutatóműhely

Ádám Réka