Molnár Tamás Kutatóintézet

Preliminary Program—MOA Conference in Budapest: ‘Liberalism Revisited’ Konferencia

Földszint-Zrínyi terem/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

Földszint-Zrínyi terem/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

2023.09.7-8-ig 1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2. Főépület, Zrínyi terem 2023.09.09. 1083 Budapest, Ludovka tér 1. Szárnyépület, John Lukács Társalgó
Show room on map

Pontszerző esemény!




Registration: 16.45-18.00

Thursday 16.00-19.00

Opening remarks

Keynote speech




Registration: 9.15-9.30

Friday 9.30-10.45

I. Oakeshott on Liberal Education

  1. Peralta-Greenough—‘Liberalism in Liberal Education—An Oakeshottian Contribution’
  2. Humphries/Loan—‘Oakeshott and Ostrom on Liberal and Political Education’
  3. Williams—‘Extending the Conversation:  Decolonizing Oakeshott’s Philosophy of Liberal Education’

10.45-11.00 Break 


II. Oakeshott and Liberalism in the Non-Anglophone World (or MO and the foreigners)

  1. Seven—‘The Wanting Ideology:  Liberalism in Turkey’
  2. Nowak—‘Un-Oakeshottian Liberalism in Poland after 1989’
  3. Cheung—‘Theorizing the Civil Condition:  Oakeshott and Chinese Liberalism’

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch Break


III. Oakeshott and Continental Thinkers (or MO and the crazy Europeans)

  1. Alexander—‘The Split Personality of the State’
  2. Adamo—‘The Individual Manque in Oakeshott and Houellbecq’
  3. Adair-Toteff—'Oakeshott and Strauss on Hobbes’

14.30-14.45 Break


IV. Oakeshott and Meta-political Theory and Theorizing

  1. Molnar—‘Mobilization and Governing’
  2. Horcher—‘The Idea of ‘the Political’ in Oakeshott and His Criticism of Ideology-Drive Liberalism in His Inaugural Speech’
  3. Callahan—‘Michael Oakeshott Goes Fishing’




Registration: 9.15-9.30

Saturday 9.30-10.45

I. Oakeshott and Public Policy (not that he cared)

  1. Ball—‘Navigating the Meridian:  Oakeshott’s Compass for Decentralized Environmental Policy’
  2. Grant—‘Oakeshottian Government and Public Policy’ (I made the title up for Bob)
  3. Lovasz—‘Michael Oakeshott on the Dangers of the Welfare State’

10.45 - 11.00 Break

11.00 - 12.15

II. Two Sessions on Oakeshott and Liberalism:  Session One—Oakeshott’s Political Theory—Conservative Liberalism or Liberal Conservatism

  1. Soderbaum—‘Oakeshott—A Pioneer in Turning Conservatism into a Creed of Liberty’
  2. Bitton—‘An Illiberal Life:  Oakeshott, Berlin, and the Counter-Enlightenment’ (could be placed with the Continental Theory session, but I still think of Berlin as English)
  3. Carrino—‘Oakeshott and Aron:  A Liberal Conservatism for the 21st Century?’ (could be placed with Continental Theory session, but I think that Aron wanted to be English)

12.15 – 13.15 Lunch Break

13.15 - 14.30

III. Two Sessions on Oakeshott and Liberalism:  Session Two—Oakeshott’s Leftovers (that is not to say that these aren’t good proposals, but they just didn’t fit as easily and there happens to be three of them)

  1. Peto—‘The Enemy of the Individual:  Michael Oakeshott and the Critique of Mass Politics’ (this could go in the meta-political theory session)
  2. Jacobs—‘Michael Oakeshott:  Liberalism Revisited’ (this could go in session one of Oakeshott and Liberalism)
  3. McIntyre—‘Value Pluralism and Freedom of Association:  Oakeshottian Reflections’ (I have come up with a title; this could go in the policy section or the meta-political theory section)
  4. Young scholars’ papers

14.45 - 16.15

16.30 - 17.00 Concluding remarks

Organised by

Dr. Molnár Attila Károly