Víz- és Környezetpolitikai Tanszék

Ludovika Scholars Program - Petar Cisar

VTK/Földszint-Aula (Víztudományi Kar - Bajai Campus)


Víztudományi Kar - Bajai Campus

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Ludovika Scholars Program: Petar Čisar
Topic: Cybersecurity aspects of digital water management

Public Lecture 10 10 2023 1PM-3PM
English language, 90 minutes

Petar Čisar is a full professor at the Department of Informatics and Computer Science at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade. He is the author of more than 20 papers in journals with impact factor, as well as several textbooks and monographs. He is a member of the International Society for the implementation of fuzzy-theory (John von Neumann Computer Society) with its seat in Budapest, an external member of the public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as well as a habilitated doctor in Hungary.

Organised by

VTK Nemzetközi Osztály
Víz- és Környezetpolitikai Tanszék

Kovács Ágnes, Bonyai Eszter