Regionális Együttműködési Osztály

Ambassadors’ Forum at Ludovika: “Bulgaria and Hungary - thousand years of togetherness, connectivity and security”

Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map


To mark the Bulgarian National Day Ludovika University of Public Service and the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria to Hungary request the pleasure of Your company to the next Ambassadors’ Forum:  

“Bulgaria and Hungary - thousand years of togetherness, connectivity and security”



17.00-17.30. Arrival of the guests and registration


17.30-17.40  Welcome speech by Gergely Deli, rector of Ludovika University of Public Service 


17.40-18.00. Keynote speech by H.E. Christo Polendakov, ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to Hungary


18.00-19.00. Round table discussion and Q&A session


H.E. Christo Polendakov, ambassador


Moderator: Amb. Iván Gyurcsík, rector’s adviser for regional cooperation



Mr. Szimeon Varga, Bulgarian national minority advocate, Hungarian Parliament 

Mr.  János T. Barabás,   senior analyst, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs


19.00 - 20.00.    Reception 

(Venue: Community Hall, 2nd floor) 


The event is in English without interpretation.

Participation only by registration before 1sth of March

Looking forward to your participation!



Organised by

Rektori Tanácsadó Iroda Regionális Együttműködési Osztály

Ádám Réka