John Lukacs Intézet

International Visegrad Fund - Opportunities for scholarships, youth exchanges and grants for projects

Oktatási Központ/5. emelet-510. Dékáni tárgyaló (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/5. emelet-510. Dékáni tárgyaló

Oktatási Központ

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Meet the International Visegrad Fund at the Ludovika University of Public Service, Hungary!

And seek for scholarships, fellowships and grants opportunities.


Dear Students, Lecturers and Researchers,

Are you interested in grant opportunities? Are you looking for your project partner? Are you planning a mobility in abroad?

The International Visegrad Fund offers generous opportunities for grants, scholarships, and fellowships. 

Join us and discover more at an upcoming info session opened by Petr MarešExecutive Director, delivered by Éva Merenics, Project Manager of the International Visegrad Fund,

on 4 April 2024, 14:00

at the Ludovika University of Public Service, Educational Building room 510

More information about the Visegrad Fund

can be found on Facebook or Instagram and on the website. 

Organised by

EJKK, John Lukacs Intézet
