Molnár Tamás Kutatóintézet

„Nation, state and religion: Shifting relations and changing loyalties in the political modernity” Conference

Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó (Ludovika Szárnyépület)

Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó

Ludovika Szárnyépület

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.

Pontszerző esemény!

„Nation, state and religion: Shifting relations and changing loyalties in the political modernity” 


Day 2.

04.06. 2024.


Ludovika University of Public Service, Wing Building

 John Lukacs Lounge

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.




9:30-9:50: Donatus E. Düsterhaus (Université de Fribourg): Religion, region and nation. Lutheran pastors in Alsace in an age of accelerated change (1792-1815)

9:50-10:10: Ilya Berkovich (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Jewish Soldiers of the Bohemian Freikorps 'Legion EH Carl' and other Volunteer Formations of the 1809 War

10:10-10:30: Henrik Hőnich, Ágoston Nagy (NUPS): Political and social argumentation in the Hungarian Flag Consecration Sermons in the age of Napoleonic Wars

10:30-10:50: László Lajtai (LUPS): Reflexions of Pál Hunfalvy on faith, religion and nation in his travel diary of 1836

10:50-11:10 Discussion


11:10-11:20 Break



11:20-11:40: Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska (Jagellonian University): Jewish sphere: Judaism in Galician public schools

11:40-12:00: Laura Popa (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen): The Complex Landscape of Protestant School Education as Professional Service for the Country in Italy, 1860–1915

12:00-12:20: Szilveszter Csernus-Lukács (Universität Marburg): From religious communities to nationalities as bearer of rights – the legal modernization of municipal law in certain free royal cities of Hungary in the 1860s

12:20-12:40 Nicola Tucakov: “Serbs of Mosaic Faith”: Integration and Nationhood among Sephardim in Belgrade before the Second World War

12:40-12:50 Discussion


12:50-14:00 Break



14:00-14:20: Attila Károly Molnár (LUPS)

14:20-14:40:Dušan Dostanić (Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade): “Religion, and National Identity. The Case of Serbia”

14:40-15:00: Balázs Pető (ELTE): The Social Formative Power of Christianity

14:40-15:00 Discussion


15:00-16:00: Concluding remarks

Organised by

Dr. Nagy Ágoston

NKE Hallgató