Környezeti Fenntarthatósági Intézet

Workshop by Professor Bert J.M. de Vries - Applying a worldview framework and system science to real world sustainability problems.

Földszint-Zrínyi terem/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

Földszint-Zrínyi terem/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map

Learn more about the challenges of sustainability, led by Professor de Vries, author of the forthcoming book Sustainability Science and co-founder of the Institute for Energy and Environment at the University of Groningen. Professor de Vries has more than three decades of experience in sustainability and has contributed to the IPCC's climate change modelling and scenario development. 


The workshop will take an interactive format, where participants will explore their own worldviews, values and beliefs, and then jointly examine Hungarian sustainability issues from different perspectives. Concrete cases will be discussed, such as the dynamics of adaptation to climate change, the role of population growth and migration in the context of economic development, and the challenges of food sovereignty in a global market-driven world.


Join us for this special event where you will be able to approach the complex issues of sustainability from a new perspective!


We kindly ask that you only register if you are able to stay for the whole duration of the workshop. 


If due to special circumstances, you are not able to attend, we ask that you remove your registration, as the spaces are very limited. 

Organised by

Környezeti Fenntarthatósági Intézet

NKE Hallgató
Környezeti Fenntarthatósági Intézet