Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó (Ludovika Szárnyépület)

Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó

Ludovika Szárnyépület

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.

Scruton and Religion

4 October 2024

John Lukacs Lounge, 1 Ludovika Square, 1083 Budapest

Research Institute for Politics and Government, LUPS



9.30-10.30 Introductory session  

Karl Gustel WärnbergWelcome and introduction to key ithemes

Hörcher, Ferenc: Religion, art, politics - Response to Karl Gustel 


10.30-11.30 Keynote session

Chantal Delsol: From cult to culture among late Christians, the Scruton case


11.30-11.45 Break


11.45-13.05 Love, tragedy, compassion

James Bryson (online, recorded): The relation between dying things: love and the sacred in Scruton’s Wagner

Titus TecheraScruton on Religion & Tragedy

Windhager, Ákos: “We need a team!”, The compassion as the key element in Roger Scruton’s concept of religion


13.05-14.00 Break


14.00-15.00 Keynote Session

Mark Dooley (online): Scrutinising the Sacred


15.00-16.00 Comparative and secular religions

Dominic GreenScruton in comparative terms to non-Christian religions, especially re Judaism and Islam

Nyirkos, Tamás: Roger Scruton on Secular Religions


16.00-16.15 Break


16.15-17.15 Keynote Session 

Anthony O’Hear (online): "When Freedom Came, God Disappeared." Isn't that strange?


17.15-18.15 Oakeshott and Scruton: religion and politics

Smrcz, Ádám: Politics as the Second Nature of Communities in Scruton

Closing discussion






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