1. emelet-100. Széchenyi Díszterem/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

1. emelet-100. Széchenyi Díszterem/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map



Minority Policy Research Group and Research Institute for Politics and Government of Ludovika University of Public Service are cordially inviting You to

György Schöpflin 85 – European and National Vision

international conference




08.30 - 09.00.           Arrival and registration


Opening session


09.00 - 09.05.           Host and moderator: Judit Galambos, Coordinator of Minority Policy Research Group

(Széchenyi Hall, 1st floor)

09.05 – 09.15.          Welcome speech by Gergely Deli, Rector of Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS)

09.15 - 09.35.           Introduction by Iván Gyurcsík, Head of Minority Policy Research Group, LUPS

09.35 – 09.55.          Keynote speech by Zsolt Németh, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Hungarian National Assembly


09.55 – 10.30.          Coffee break 1. (Community Hall, 2nd floor)


Session 1. – European Vision


10.30 – 10.35.          Host and moderator: Judit Galambos, Coordinator of Minority Policy Research Group

(Széchenyi Hall, 1st floor)

10.35 – 10.55.          Ferenc Hörcher, Head of Research Institute for Politics and Government, LUPS

Title: ”George Schöpflin's Europe”

10.55 – 11.15.          Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Member of the European Parliament

                              Title:The peculiarity of the Europeanness of East Central Europe. A couple of remarks in reference to thought of György Schöpflin

11.15 – 11.35.          John O ‘Sullivan, President of Danube Institute, Budapest

                              Title: George Schöpflin and a peripatetic imagination”

11.35 - 11.50.           Q and A


11.50 – 13.30              Lunch (Community Hall, 2nd floor)


Session 2. – Central European, National Vision and the Question of National Minorities


13.30 - 13.35.           Host and moderator: Judit Galambos, Coordinator of the Minority Policy Research Group

(Széchenyi Hall, 1st floor)

13.35 - 13.55.           Keynote speech by Thomas Lorman, Historian, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

                              Title: György Schöpflin and the British view of Central Europe, 1948-1990”

13.55 - 14.15.           Iván Bába, Honorary Associate Professor, LUPS

                              Title:”In Search of Central Europe”


14.15 - 14.35.           Coffee break 2. (Community Hall, 2nd floor)


14.35 - 14.55.           Tamás Korhecz, Constitutional Court Judge, Serbia

                              Title: State – Culture - Nations – National Minorities in Europe: Reflections on some ideas of György Schöpflin”   

14.55 - 15.15            Miklós Bakk, Associate Professor, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca

                              Title: Empire and Nation State in European context.”

15.15 – 15.35.          Q and A

15.35 - 15.45.           Closing remarks by Balázs Tárnok, Director of Research, John Lukacs Institute for Strategy and Politics, Member of Minority Policy Research Group, LUPS

15.45 - 16.20.           Visit to the Library: György Schöpflin special collection (2nd floor)

                              Welcome by Zoltán Mészáros, General Director of Ludovika University Library




The event is in English without interpretation.

Participation only by registration before 4th of November


Looking forward to your kind participation!


Amb. Iván Gyurcsík, Head of Minority Policy Research Group, Ludovika University of Public Service

Ferenc Hörcher, Head of Research Institute for Politics and Government, Ludovika University of Public Service


Organized by

Kisebbségpolitikai Kutatóműhely és az Eötvös József Kutatóközpont, Politika- és Államelméleti Kutatóintézet

Ádám Réka