Photo Credit by Eszter Gordon
Our first English-speaking event is a call to Central Europeans to reconsider borders and rivers ”as if nature mattered”. How would you regulate interactions among humans and non-humans between Slovenia and Hungary and what is reality? How decision makers attributed value to the Danube in the 1980s, and how the contemporary Green politics tried to influence this assessment? What are floods and what are rivers if we put them into a historical perspective? And, most importantly, what are the specific Central European interests in addressing these questions?
The Institute of Central European Studies invites you to join a highly relevant discussion of three international experts on these issues.
The presenters are as follows:
Daniela Neubacher is a research associate at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe who gives a new perspective on the politics related to the Gabčíkovo–Nagymaros Waterworks.
Miha Kozorog is and anthropologist at the University of Ljubljana who has, among other things, conducted a research along the borderland between Hungary and Slovenia involving the movement of animals.
András Vadas from ELTE is a leading expert on environmental history with a strong focus on the relationship between rivers and society.
Registered participants / students are to receive the MS Teams link of the event via email 3 hours beforehand.
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