- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Dear future MUN-er!
If you are interested in global affairs and would like to develop your soft skills - such as debating and Public speaking - this event is just for you!
This semester’s IDSA MiniMUN has arrived and we cordially invite ALL who would like to enjoy a saturday of lucrative Model UN and friendly unwinding. Great topics and even greater debates are guaranteed!
This semester, the simulated committees and their respective topics are the following:
- United Nations Security Council - Nuclear Weapons in Nicaragua
- United Nations Development Programme - Towards Peacebuilding: Enforcing Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the DR Congo
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe -The Steinmeyer-formula and the Peace Resolution Process
Applications are accepted until the midnight of November 22nd 2019!
The Steinmeyer-formula and the Peace Resolution Process
Towards Peacebuilding: Enforcing Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the DR Congo
Missiles Deployment in the Caribbean
The Steinmeyer-formula and the Peace Resolution Process
Towards Peacebuilding: Enforcing Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the DR Congo
Missiles Deployment in the Caribbean
The Steinmeyer-formula and the Peace Resolution Process
Towards Peacebuilding: Enforcing Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the DR Congo
Missiles Deployment in the Caribbean
The Steinmeyer-formula and the Peace Resolution Process
Towards Peacebuilding: Enforcing Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the DR Congo
Missiles Deployment in the Caribbean