Orczy Úti Kollégium

Orczy Úti Kollégium


Dear Students!🤗

The International Committee of the Student’s Union at the University of Public Service would like to invite you for an entertaining and interactive quiz night to start off the semester.


You will have the chance to get to know other students, to show your knowledge in a fun game and to win some prices as the member of the best teams

Form teams of 3-5 students and register your teams via an email to the following e-mail address:
When registering, please indicate the following details:
* • Team name
* • Full name of each team members

⏳Deadline to register: 12 PM (noon) 15 February 2022

Do not worry, if you don’t have enough peers to form a team with, you can also register individually and we are going to find a team for you!

Date: Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Time: 20:00 to 22:00
Location: Ludovika Residence Hall, Multimedia Rooms

The event is primary open to international students, but Hungarian students are also welcomed. The language of the event is English. 

Can’t wait to see you there!🥰
International Committee SU UPS


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