Világűrjog és -Politika Kutatóintézet

Space Policy Student Symposium

Orczy Úti Kollégium/Földszint A-D terem (Orczy Úti Kollégium)

Orczy Úti Kollégium/Földszint A-D terem

Orczy Úti Kollégium

1089 Budapest, Orczy út 1.

The Institute of Space Law and Policy (University of Public Service) and the Institut, Droit, Espaces, Technologies (IDEST, Université Paris-Saclay) undertook the initiative to orgaize the first Space Policy Student Symposium taking place on the 14th of October 2022 in Budapest.

Guests interested in listening presentations in the space and sustainable development and in the security and defence realm of the outer space are welcome to register here. The audience will also have the opportunity to meet the expert panel of the European Space Agency, the Université Paris-Saclay and the University of Public Service. 

Organised by

Lilla Doucha