Gazdasági és Versenyképesség Kutatóintézet

5th Budapest Public Finance Seminar: Stagflation risk by energy shortage

1. emelet-100. Széchenyi Díszterem/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

1. emelet-100. Széchenyi Díszterem/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map

presenters: Larry Randal Wray (Bard College), Jürgen Jerger (Regensburg University), Zsolt Darvas (Bruegel Group), Carsten Colombier (Swiss Ministry of Finance) et al. 

date: 18 May 2023 (Thursday) 9:30-16:00

venue: University of Public Service, Ludovika Main Building, Széchenyi Ceremonial Hall (1082. Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.)


The program: 


Co-organizers: Ministry of Finance, Hungarian Economic Association, Public Finance Section Hungarian Economic Association, Finance Section

Organised by

Institute of Economy and Competitiveness

Dr. Gábor Kutasi, Head of Institute