The international workshop deals with various issues regarding the economic aspects of the press in the interwar period in East Central Europe. These include press ownership and business models, the relationship between ownership and content as well as the broader political context of the press.
The program of the international workshop:
Matej Hanula (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava) – Press ownership and political parties in interwar Slovakia
Katarzyna Drąg (Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication
The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow) – Development of the Polish press in the interwar period – legal, political, and economic context
Alexandra Szilagyi (Lecturer, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca) – Dynamics of Press Ownership and Content in Interwar Romania: A Comprehensive Analysis
Antonija Čuvalo, Faculty of Political Science University of Zagreb és Paula Čatipović, Faculty of Political Science University of Zagreb – Interwar Media Ownership in the South East Europe: the Case of Yugoslavia
Tibor Klestenitz (Research Fellow, Faculty of Defence Law and Administration, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, Ludovika University of Public Service and National Széchényi Library, Lipták Dorottya Research Group, Budapest) – The Bottomless Barrel. Financing of the Central Press Company in Hungary in the Interwar Period
Eszter Balázs (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Central European Studies, Eötvös József Research Center, Ludovika University of Public Service, Budapest) – Main trends of Hungarian Press Ownership and its Public Representation in Interwar Hungary
A kép forrása: Fortepan. Adományozó: Nagy István
We warmly invite and welcome all interested parties
The registration is free.
EJKK Közép-Európa Kutatóintézet