Regionális Együttműködési Osztály

Ludovika Ambassadors’ Forum: The Western Balkan in the near future: An Albanian Perspective

Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület (Ludovika Főépület)

Földszint-50. Szent László Kápolna/Ludovika Főépület

Ludovika Főépület

Show room on map

Ludovika University of Public Service and the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Budapest are cordially inviting You to next Ludovika Ambassadors’ Forum: 

The Western Balkan in the near future: An Albanian Perspective



17.00-17.30.      Arrival of the guests and registration

17.30-17.40.      Welcome speech by Mr. Pier Paolo Pigozzi Sandoval, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of Ludovika University of Public Service 

17.40-18.00.      The Western Balkan in the near future: An Albanian Perspective” - keynote speech by H.E. Ilirian Kuka, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Hungary 

18.00-19.00.      Round table discussion and Q&A session 

H.E. Ilirian Kuka, Ambassador 

Ms. Anna Orosz, Research Fellow, Hungarian Institute of International 

Moderator:  Amb. Iván Gyurcsík, Rector’s Adviser for Regional     Cooperation

19.00 - 20.00.   Reception 

Venue: Community Hall, 2nd floor 


The event is in English without interpretation.

Participation only by registration before 16th of September


Looking forward to your kind participation!

Amb. Iván Gyurcsík, Rector’s Advisor for Regional Cooperation and H.E. Ilirian Kuka, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Hungary 

Organised by

Rektori Tanácsadó Iroda Regionális Együttműködési Osztály

Ádám Réka