Világűrjog és -Politika Kutatóintézet

Prof. Jordi Sandalinas Baro: Overview of the International Legal Framework for Outer Space Activities and Relevant International Organizations: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Sustainability of Space Activities

Oktatási Központ/1. emelet-111 - O-111 (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/1. emelet-111 - O-111

Oktatási Központ

1089 Budapest, Üllői út 82.
Show room on map

Jordi Sandalinas is a Visiting Lecturer at the International Space University (Strasbourg, France), where he teaches space Law and astrobiology. He holds a law degree from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and is a Graduate in Space Operations from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (USA). Jordi is also a Certified Drone Pilot (AESA) and an Adjunct Professor actively engaged in research on space and drone law, policy, and astrobiology. His areas of expertise include Business Law, Space Law, Drone Law, and International Marine Environmental Law.


Prof. Sandalinas’ lecture will focus on the following topics:

•            The basic legal framework for space activities

•            The role and functioning of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

•            Space sustainability and Space Traffic Management

•            Future perspectives and trends in Space Law and Policy

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Telek-Huszár Borbála