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A Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Doktorandusz Önkormányzata és a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Hadtudományi és Honvédtisztképző Karának Nemzetközi Biztonsági Tanulmányok Tanszéke közösen online konferenciát szervez
2021. április 17-én
Dél-Amerika, Dél-Európa - Nemzetközi Konferencia
„A védelem és a biztonság új megközelítései Dél-Amerikában és Dél-Európában”
2021. március 20: az absztrakt beküldésének határideje.
A konferencia központi témája alkalmat ad a védelem és a biztonság új megközelítéseinek többszempontú tanulmányozására Dél-Amerika és Dél-Európa viszonylatában. A rendezvény kiemelt célja, hogy lehetőséget biztosítson a doktoranduszok és a kutatók kutatási eredményeinek bemutatására a biztonsági tanulmányok, a regionális biztonság, a védelem, a katonai műszaki és a nemzetközi tanulmányok területén, angol, magyar és spanyol nyelven.
The Doctorates’ Council of the University of Public Service (UPS) Budapest, Hungary and the Department of International Security Studies of the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training of UPS organize an online conference on
April 17, 2021 titled
South America, South Europe International Conference
„New approaches to Defense and Security in South America and Southern Europe”
March 20, 2021: Deadline for submitting abstract via online form.
The central topic of the conference offers an opportunity to reflect on new approaches to Defense and Security in South America and Southern Europe from different perspectives. The aim of this event is to provide a forum for scientific research carried out by PhD students and researchers, related to security studies, regional security, defense studies, military engineering, and international studies. The conference is trilingual, presentations are expected in English, Spanish or Hungarian.
La Asociación de los Estudiantes de Doctorado de la Universidad de Servicio Público (Budapest, Hungría) y el Departamento de Estudios de Seguridad Internacional de la Facultad de Ciencias Militares de la Universidad de Servicio Público organizan una conferencia en línea.
el 17 de abril de 2021 titulado
Conferencia Internacional de América del Sur, Europa del Sur
“Nuevos enfoques en la Defensa y Seguridad en América del Sur y Europa del Sur”
20/03/2021: Límite para el envío de los resúmenes a través del formulario en línea.
El tema central de la conferencia ofrece la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre los nuevos enfoques de la Defensa y Seguridad en América del Sur y Europa del Sur desde diferentes perspectivas. El objetivo es presentar las investigaciones científicas de estudiantes de doctorado e investigadores, relacionadas con los estudios de seguridad, seguridad regional, estudios de defensa, ingeniería militar y estudios internacionales. La conferencia es trilingüe: el idioma de las presentaciones puede ser español, inglés o húngaro.
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Email: southamericasoutheurope@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/southamericasoutheurope2021
!!! Publikációs Felhívás / Invitations to journal publication /Invitación a publicar en revista científica: !!!
Publikációs Felhívás. Minden sikeres előadó a konferencia után meghívót kap folyóiratban való publikálásra. Felhívjuk a figyelmet, hogy elengedhetetlen folyóirat elvárásait tartalmazó szerzői utasítások követése és nincs garancia a megjelenésre. Valamennyi kiválasztott publikáció két szakmai lektor független véleménye után az AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science (Special Issue) folyóiratban jelenik meg. ISSN 2498-5392 (print) ISSN 2498-5392 (online) A publikációk beküldésének határideje: 2021. augusztus 15. Nyelv: angol. Bővebb információ a folyóiratról: https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/aarms/issue/view/381
Invitations to journal publication following a successful presentation to the conference, you will receive an invitation to journal publication; note that journal-specific procedures will need to be followed and there is no guarantee of publication. All selected papers are double-blind peer-reviewed will be published in: AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science (Special Issue) ISSN 2498-5392 (print) ISSN 2498-5392 (online) Submission Deadline for Paper: August 15, 2021. Language: English. More information about the journal: https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/aarms/issue/view/381
Invitación a publicar en revista científica, después de una ponencia exitosa en la conferencia, recibirá una invitación a publicar en una revista científica; tenga en cuenta que será necesario seguir los procedimientos específicos de la revista y que no hay garantía de publicación. Todas las publicaciones seleccionadas son revisadas por pares de doble ciego y se publicarán en: AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science (Special Issue) ISSN 2498-5392 (impreso) ISSN 2498-5392 (en línea) Fecha límite de envío de las publicaciones: 15 de agosto de 2021. Idioma: inglés. Más información de la revista: https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/aarms/issue/view/381
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 01:30 AM Santiago: 02:30 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 03:30 AM
Oil is one of the most important sources of energy. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. This fact could provide an opportunity for significant incomes and an important foreign policy position. However, the word crisis comes to mind about the country, nowadays. Venezuela’s economy is highly depends on raw materials. Oil accounted for more than 83% of exports in 2019. Oil exploitation began in 1914 and, thanks to foreign investments, Venezuela was the world leader in crude oil exports by the late 1920s. Thanks to oil, the country's international importance has also increased, as evidenced by the fact that in 1960 Venezuela became a founding member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Taking advantage of its favorable geographical conditions, Venezuela has based its economy on oil. However, the disadvantages of this were already felt in the 1980s, the economy clearly depended on changes in oil prices. Venezuela had to borrow from the World Bank and the IMF in 1989. Venezuela is currently facing hyperinflation. The country's difficult economic situation is also having a strong impact on oil production, which has shown a sharp decline recently. The research presents the history of oil extraction and search for answers to questions such as why the country is in a severe economic crisis despite significant oil reserves? What are the future prospects for Venezuela in the oil market?
Keywords: energy, oil, South America, Venezuela
Fuel on the Fire? – The Issue of the German Arms Exports to Chile
In the 2000s Chile significantly modernized its military, similarly to the other states of Latin-America. The main battle tanks and the infantry fighting vehicles imported from Germany between 2006 and 2009 were an important part of the Chilean military modernization, which gave a serious advantage to the Chilean armed forces in the region. However, with the arms deal, Germany against its political guidelines and the European Union’s Code of Conduct exported major arms to a country that was neither part of the European Union, nor NATO and in which there was a possibility of an armed conflict. According to some critical opinions, Germany has directly evoked an arms race between Chile, Bolivia and Peru, which could even lead to a regional conflict. The aim of our research, based on academic literature as well as an interview conducted with a Chilean defence industry expert, we evaluate, what effect the German arms exports had on the relations between Chile, Bolivia and Peru, whether they fostered an arms race, and how can they be reconciled with Germany’s policy guidelines.
Keywords: Chile, military modernization, arms race, Germany, arms exports
The Islamic minority in South America and Southern Europe
It is a well-known fact that many have left the Middle East due to the constant threat of ISIS. The increase of migration has posed a serious security challenge, especially for the countries of the European Union, but there is also significant migration outside Europe. Although the wave of emigration in connection to the Middle East has intensified over the past decade, many waves of migration was typical earlier for those living there, sometimes for security and economic reasons. The lecture seeks to answer the differences and similarities in the lifestyles, religions, and cultural customs of those living in exile, and how and to what extent integration is characteristic of the religious minority in Southern Europe and South America. Another important question is how the majority society relates to the religious minority on the two continents. The available resources and statistics make it possible to compare the challenges associated with migration, integration and attitudes towards the majority society, and to identify security challenges. What is the security challenge for the religious minority on the two continents? Which countries promote integration? How does the host society relate to immigrants? What migration strategy is used in South America and Southern Europe?
Keywords: security, Islam, Southern Europe, South America, migration
Migration Strategies: South America vs Europe. A comparative analysis of Ecuador, Colombia, Hungary, and Spain
Migration and migration strategy appears on the security agenda of many countries, not only in Europe but also within South America. The issue is quite current because “South-South” migration is growing; this means that immigrants within Latin America are looking for new destinations instead of the United States or Europe. This migratory flow began a few years ago, and the sending countries became countries of transit or destination. Millions of people came from Venezuela and Haiti to Colombia or Ecuador. According to a new report prepared by the Organization of American States (OAS), it is warned that the number of Venezuelan refugees and migrants could rise to 7 million in 2021, being the first destination of them in the countries of the region. Although during Covid-19, the migratory flow is decreasing, illegal migration is increasing in Ecuador and Colombia, having to face challenges similar to those facing Europe. This study aims to examine and compare migration and its migration strategies, contrasting the Venezuelan migration phenomenon in the South American region with the migration crisis in the Canary Islands (Spain). The primary sources and available statistics allow the analysis of current trends, migration-related strategies, challenges, as well as future scenarios. How is the issue of mass immigration addressed on the two continents? What migration strategy is used to address these phenomena?
Keywords: migration strategies, migration crisis, South America, Europe
The research was supported by the ÚNKP-20-3-I-NKE-27 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 02:30 AM Santiago: 03:30 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 04:30 AM
Italy has been struggling to manage illegal migration for decades, however, the Arab Spring gave new impetus to this issue.
Migration became increasingly politicized and securitized in Italy. It has been ranking high on the political agenda as it is a recurring campaign topic of Italian politics. Since Libya is the most important point of departure, migration management became the dominant issue of Italo-Libyan relations, as well. The often-changing Italian governments have differing approaches to tackle migration, thus continuity in migration policies is hard to maintain. The 2018 Parliamentary elections marked the beginning of a new era: the first populist government of Europe was formed by Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle, while centre-left parties suffered a historical defeat in the elections.
The presentation focuses on the migration management of two consecutive Interior Ministers from different sides of Italian politics: Marco Minniti from the centre-left (Democratic Party) and Matteo Salvini from the right (Lega): Minniti was the last Interior Minister before the 2018 elections, while Salvini was the first one after it. During their tenure the number of sea arrivals fell significantly, but at what cost? What were their signature policies and which had greater effect on the long term?
Mainstream literature often engages with investigating securitization of the European refugee crisis of 2015 by the right-wing political parties in the member states of the European Union (EU). By taking a rather different route, the current study takes the issue with the question of how reactions of the left-wing populist SYRIZA government in Greece are shaped. Although Greece was among the most affected EU member states to the large influx of people, the response of the Hellenic Government was rather moderate in contrast to the restrictive migration and asylum policies of the previous governments. Moreover, political ruling elites did not utilize the crisis as a political instrument within the national political competition. Yet, the current research ascertains that the initial moderate Greek response to the security crisis was completely altered during the Turkish-Greek border crisis of 2019 when the Turkish government opened its borders for the refugees aspiring to enter the soils of the EU. In this regard, it will investigate whether the altered security perception of the state and/or changing geopolitical necessities shape the country’s agenda on the refugees apart from the ideological stance of the government.
Keywords: Greece, the European refugee crisis, geopolitics, Turkish-Greek border crisis of 2019, security
Latin America, despite being a middle-income region and the fact that pink-tide era brought new socioeconomic models and the region experienced alternative forms of development, continues to face a number of socioeconomic challenges. The current increasing phenomena of poverty and inequality, harmful effects of economic production on environment and traditional rural communities, violence appear in a new situation both in national and regional levels. The concept of multidimensional of poverty is an increasingly accepted approach to better understanding the characteristics and living conditions of vulnerable social groups. Violence is one of the dimensions that has received little attention so far. The article seeks to answer the following questions: How do poverty and inequality relate to different forms of violence? What kind of institutional and economic mechanisms sustain these complex relations? Analysis of the case of Colombia, based on data and documents, reveals links between shortcomings in the institutional system and deficiencies in measuring poverty in persistence of deprivations of marginalized social groups.
Keywords: multidimensional poverty, violence, poverty measurements, institutional approach, Colombia
International migration processes of large-scale in- and outflows often divert the attention of politics and society from the importance of return, a subject lacking extensive research. However, in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2008, movements of ex-patriates have directed the origin countries, choosing to re-emigrate to the motherland. This was especially significant for Latin-American countries, such as for Colombia, a state with long-standing emigration, yet implementing a relatively successful peace agreement at the moment, with prosperous future scenarios. Along with Colombian nationals being impelled to move back from Venezuela as a result of the worsening – but at least stagnant – crisis in the neighborhood, there has been substantial changes in the magnitude of return flows to Colombia.
It is within this context, the phenomenon of remigration of Colombian nationals has given reason for increased interest in both the political and academic field. The analysis aims at introducing the most important policy initiative from the side of the Colombian Government, under the umbrella of ‘Colombia nos Une’, and its ‘Return Plan’ developed and corroborated by the Law 1565 of 2012, also known as the Return Law (Ley de Retorno) fostering and assisting return migration of the Colombian diaspora. Identifying the returnees’ profile considered in these policies, the paper portrays who can beneficiate from this public policy program, as well as it outlines the main indications of the Unique Registry of Returnees (RUR).
Language policy is a key factor in minority language maintenance; this is the reason why this conference paper overviews the Brazilian language policy changes from the 19th century to the present time. As a result of the positive changes of the 20th century, the preservation of all traditional languages becomes preferred and desired, as part of the Brazilian cultural diversity. This study summarizes the current situation of national minority groups and presents a few positive examples of language maintenance or revitalization projects. The analysis of the case of the Hungarian minority is based upon participant observation and 16 semi-structured qualitative interviews (expert sample), that have been prepared among community leaders, Hungarian language teachers, and 25 Hungarians (first, second and third generation) in Brazil. The results summarize the positive effects of the measures taken in the past decade, which were initiated by the Hungarian government. However, comparing these measures with the international best practices, it is recognizable that in order to offset the effect of the decreased number of language use domains (1 from 5), a greater amount of targeted institutional support and education is required. Although the Hungarian language has been preserved for more than five generations in Brazil, it still shows an endangered status by Fishman's (1972) language use domain theory.
Keywords: Brazil, Language policy, Minority languages, Language maintenance, Domains of language use
Although the latest migration charts show that compared to the peak period, there are significantly less migrants using the Eastern Mediterranean route to enter the European Union, the region came into focus again, when specific Western European outlets and whistleblowers alleged that the European Border and Coast Guard Agency - in tandem with the Greek authorities - have been continously breaching the human rights regulation, the EU law, and the Frontex Code of Conduct. Among other things, human rights NGOs accused the Agency of denying people their right to apply for asylum, moreover acting against the principle of non-refoulement defined by the international law. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency denies these accousations, saying that there have been two inquiries into accusations and both found no evidence of any violations of fundamental rights. The aim of this paper is to summarize and evaluate the course of events based on primary sources (i.e. reports, official documents, legal background, interviews etc) with regard to the current SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic situation.
Keywords: migration,European Border and Coast Guard Agency, human rights, Eastern Mediterranean route, non-refoulement
Név: Kranzieritz Viktória
Oktatási intézmény: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
Ország: Magyarország
Cím: Ciprus, hogyan tovább?
Kulcsszavak: Ciprus, Görögország, Törökország, gázmezők, energiabiztonság
A Ciprus kérdés az 1950-es évek óta folyamatos feszültséget okoz a görög és a török felek között. Míg az 1900-as években, főleg az etnikai összecsapások voltak jellemzőek, addig a 2000-es évekre már további összeütközési pontok alakultak ki. Az elmúlt tíz évben a konfliktus újabb lendületet kapott a frissen felfedezett gázmezőknek köszönhetően. Különlegesség lett ennek a kérdésnek, hogy már nem csak két ország elszeparált esetéről beszélhetünk, hanem egy nemzetközi problémává váló esetről. Éppen ezért, érthető módon, az EU, a NATO, több nagyhatalom és európai ország is kifejtette álláspontját a Ciprus kérdésben, de hathatós megegyezés még nem született. A helyzet egyre súlyosabbnak tekinthető,ezt mutatja az is, hogy az elmúlt években a török-görög „háború” lehetősége valósabbá vált, mint előtte bármikor. Így e kérdés egyre több komponensű lett és az energiabiztonság témakör még aktuálisabbá teszi az ezzel a területtel foglalkozó kutatásokat. Az előadás célja éppen ezért az, hogy felvázolja, milyen kimeneteli lehetőségei vannak ennek a konfliktusnak, mi a jelenlegi helyzet, illetve a hogyan tovább kérdésre is választ keres.
Since 1950s the Cyprus question is a constant tension between Greece and Turky. While in the 1900s there were mostly conflict because of different ethnicities in Cyprus, in the 2000s they came up with new collision points. The last ten years, thanks to the freshly discovered gas field, there are recent problems. The speciality of this situation is, that is not only a conflict between two parties anymore, but it is so much more than that. It is evolving to an international matters with a lots of affacted party. This is the reason, the EU, the NATO and other concerd countries want to be a part of the solution, but unfourtunetly it is still out of reach. This conflict is getting bigger and bigger, the last few years the Turkis-Greek „war” possibility is becoming a scary reality. Beacuse of this situation, it is really important to reasearch topics about energy safety and Cyprus situation in general. My aim is to make a whole picture about the current situation and its outputs. Furthermore of course I’d like to search answers for the what’s next question.
NATO, EU, Southern Strategy, Migration, Southern Threats
My dissertation, Opportunities and Limitations of NATO's Southern Strategy, was inspired by the 2015 migration crisis raging in Europe. The states of the European region have to deal with more and more military security challenges, so it would be appropriate to address hybrid southern threats at a high strategic level. NATO, the most important defense organization in the region, has a Southern package, but a Southern strategy has not yet been established. I wanted to shed light on why the creation of the Southern Strategy was not catalyzed by the shocking phenomenon of migration. I have examined the security perception of threats from the Mediterranean from several perspectives and have come to the following three main conclusions: (1) For the United States, these threats are not a priority and therefore do not take the lead. (2) the European States which have economic or political interests in the region shall consider themselves to be at increased risk. (3) European states could play a political role in advancing the Southern Strategy, but do not have the necessary military capabilities.
Within NATO’s current framework, a Southern Strategy has no reality, yet I have identified the smallest common multiple of a potential European Southern Strategy. Such a southern strategy could be implemented in EU-NATO cooperation, with Italy as the most likely front-runner and Libya as its first challenge.
The challenges of MeD-NATO cooperation in the light of NATO2030
One of the challenges of NATO's partnership policy is to be able to use the framework and toolbox in a more efficient way along with NATO priorities in the light of new types of security challenges. The security situation in the MENA region is continuously deteriorating because the extent of security challenges such as terrorism, religious extremism, climate change, migration, and other ethnic and armed conflicts are intensifying. As a result of the pandemic, the region's instability is further exacerbated by the economic damages that NATO's Partner countries are experiencing right now. The aim of the presentation is to explain the current security policy environment in the region and to identify elements in which the Mediterranean Dialogue can contribute to NATO's activities in the South. With regards to NATO2030, the presentation examines whether NATO has the necessary diplomatic tools to maintain political dialogue and increase the Alliance's role in the region.
Keywords: Mediterranean Dialogue, NATO, cooperative security, southern challenges, NATO2030
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 05:00 AM Santiago: 06:00 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 07:00 AM
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 05:40 AM Santiago: 06:40 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 07:40 AM
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 06:00 AM Santiago: 07:00 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 08:00 AM
Chile has traditionally been one of the most stable and strongest state in Latin America. At the same time, partly for historical reasons, Chile is also involved in challenges to its national security, such as Bolivia's territorial claims for the recovery of a lost sea exit or the overlapping territorial demands that divide the surface of Antarctica. In the 21st century, both areas could mean a threat to national security for Chile, which could lead to a partial reorganization of the balance of power in the region, damage to Chilean positions of power and interests, or even their enforcement. With the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague in 2018, the possibility of a diplomatic agreement between Chile and Bolivia was virtually closed, so the issue can only be resolved in the future by bilateral interstate negotiation or even with a new conflict, as Bolivia still does not give up the efforts to control the territory. Today, Antarctica is less of a real threat to Chile, but in the soon future, the regions value may rise due to its mineral resources and geopolitical significance and intensify the competition for already existing territorial claims. The presentation explores and presents the most important issues of the two regions.
Keywords: Chilean security, Antarctic Chile, Bolivia, South America, Chile
The upcoming discussion is a segment of a lengthy research which analyzes how did the authoritarian governments adopt a new, more stinging and malign form of Soft Power. While the original study circulates around the authoritarian states, this particular piece concentrates on South America and claims that the future of democratic development of the region is under threat. This analysis will update academics on why the traditional concept of Soft Power became either obsolete or does not adequately cover the methods of coercion used by China and Russia. The governments of both of these states have developed a specific political conduct domestically, which include suppression of freedom of speech and other civic liberties, control of information and generating misleading media content. When these methods are applied to developing democracies, it no longer falls into the category of Soft Power. It is rather Sharp Power influence which exploits the openness of democratic systems. Using the case study of Argentina, this discourse will highlight how Russia and China use deception, manipulation and censorship in the fields of media, academia and politics to influence the South American nations.
Keywords: soft power, sharp power, russia, china, south america
The COVID-19 pandemic and the related political and economic crisis had serious negative effects on MERCOSUR member states, including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This political entity within the Latin American region gives a solid base for comparison regarding governments’ policy responses. The study aims to examine the measures introduced by the governments concerned to ease the crisis both from a quantitative and qualitative aspect. First, a brief overview will be given on the health, political and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the countries examined, then the exact measures will be analyzed based on international databases from a quantitative aspect. Later, country profiles will be drawn and the role of MERCOSUR in finding a common response to handle the effects of the pandemic will be discussed. The main expected results of the research are as follows. Based on the analysis of the legislative measures and communications, the evaluation of the actors concerned (governments) will be established. This will be supplemented with the possible implications of the research for the future decision-makers to learn from the way how the crisis in these countries was treated or mistreated.
Keywords: MERCOSUR,COVID-19, pandemic, government measures
When talking about security issues in Latin America, some topics are expected to come up, such as paramilitary groups, and terrorism, that are in fact both about the struggle for power. Besides several similarities in these topics, most of the countries have developed their unique approach. The aim of the presentation is to give an overview of the Venezuelan case of Chávez’s Bolivarian Revolution. Once meant for running various types of projects, community work, promoting government social programs, by now, colectivos have become an indispensable part of the Venezuelan regime. How have these civilian groups evolved? What are their main characteristics now? What is their role in keeping the failing state running? Are they terrorists, ordinary criminals, or patriots, saviors of the Bolivarian Revolution? How do they sustain themselves during the worst economic period of Venezuela? What are their relations with other entities of the regime? And last but not least, how can and should they be treated and controlled for a more prosperous future for the “Land of Grace”.
Key words: Venzuela, colectivo, state-sponsored terrorism, Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 06:00 AM Santiago: 07:00 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 08:00 AM
La relación de la víctima con el sistema penal (Europa) debería centrarse en la tutela de la posición de la víctima, con la aplicación del ius puniendi del Estado. ¿Cómo se concreta? En el plano normativo, reconociendo sus derechos por parte del ordenamiento, y a la hora de aplicar la normativa jurídica, mediante la eliminación de obstáculos para la protección de los intereses de las víctimas vulnerables por el sistema de justicia.
Los distintos instrumentos internacionales (UE, Consejo de Europa, Iberoamérica) en la materia recogen la obligación de los Estados de adoptar medidas especiales destinadas a garantizar la seguridad de las víctimas en situación de riesgo de victimización reiterada. Han sido establecidos instrumentos normativos que suponen un avance cuanto a la protección y asistencia de las víctimas, hasta llegar a la creación de la Corte Penal Internacional, la Corte interamericana de Derechos Humanos, etc.
En Iberoamérica, a través de la “Carta de Derechos de las Personas ante la Justicia en el Espacio Judicial Iberoamericano”, dedica una parte a las victimas vulnerables, bien como en la “Exposición de Motivos del documento preparatorio de las “Reglas de Brasilia sobre acceso a la justicia de las personas en condición de vulnerabilidad”, entre otros.
Palabras clave: Protección de la víctima, sistema penal, Europa del sur y América del sur, intrumentos internacionales, cooperación
Urban marketing and governance of local governments in Ecuador
This article analyses the role of governance and urban marketing of twenty-fourth local governments in Ecuador according to the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and the Organic Code for Regional, Autonomous and Decentralized Organization (COOTAD). The governance debate demonstrates the potential that local governments may have in assuming that competence to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Integrated quality mainstreaming in this work is a product of urban marketing, in the construction of branding or Ecuador image and its economic positioning in the regional and international sphere. It is concluded that local government is coordinating commercial and institutional agendas in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to ensure economic, socio-political and technological development in Ecuador. The methodology used is secondary data sources including various types of books, journal articles, government reports and implementation plans. The research is explanatory and descriptive as it describes Ecuador and explains the characteristics, local features, and social, political and economic background. However, it is also exploratory as current and future Ecuadorian public policies trends cannot be predicted or well confirmed right away.
Keywords: Governance, urban marketing, local government, FDI, PPPs
Illegal Migration: experiences and challenges in Chile
International news often speaks about illegal migration to Europe or the US. Very rarely do we hear about illegal migration within Latin America. Chile is one of the countries chosen within the region among the people who want to find a better future. Simultaneously, illegal migration is increasing, already causing a migration crisis in the north of the country. Chile is not prepared for this huge increase in migration in recent years. Old laws and small and ineffective changes try to prevent the collapse of the system. This study's main objective is to verify what the current trends of illegal migrants are and future scenarios with a focus on the new migration law. Additionally, the challenges of Covid-2019, relating the issue to migration and illegal migrants. Available statistics, current news, and other data allow to analyze trends and based on those the new challenges.
What is behind illegal migration in Chile? How does the country deal with the arrival of illegal migrants? Who has access to covid-19 vaccines?
Keywords: illegal migration, migration crisis, Chile, statistics
Poblaciones indígenas y Derechos Humanos en el ámbito internacional
En las últimas décadas en América Latina, en general, y particularmente en Argentina, las y los indígenas irrumpieron en la escena pública como sujetos socio-políticos, mediante su organización activa en interacción, negociación y/o disputa con diferentes actores sociales y niveles del Estado. En este sentido, las comunidades luchan constantemente contra desigualdades, racismos, y obliteraciones que sistemáticamente les afectan. Como fruto de esa lucha, han logrado obtener el reconocimiento de diversas demandas por parte del Estado.
En este contexto, realizamos principalmente un breve Estado de la Cuestión sobre los Derechos Humanos (DDHH) de los pueblos indígenas a nivel local e internacional junto con las diversas políticas financiadas por organismos nacionales e internacionales. Para luego, indagar sobre las diversas vulneraciones que han sufrido las comunidades, profundizado en el marco de la pandemia por el Covid-19. Cuestión que observamos mediante nuestra participación en un informe colaborativo e interdisciplinarios titulado “Informe ampliado: efectos socioeconómicos y culturales de la pandemia COVID-19 …”. En pocas palabras, proponemos reflexionar sobre estos asuntos desde la perspectiva de la antropología social atendiendo cuestiones del ámbito internacional, donde participan y se ven interpeladas las poblaciones indígenas.
Palabras claves: Organización, Argentina, Estado, Políticas públicas, Antropología Social.
Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights in the International Sphere
In recent decades in Latin America, in general, and particularly in Argentina, indigenous peoples have burst onto the public scene as socio-political subjects, through their active organization in interaction, negotiation and/or dispute with different social actors and State decision-making levels. In this sense, the communities constantly struggle against inequalities, racism and obliterations that systematically affect them. As a result of this struggle, they have managed to obtain recognition of various demands from the State.
In this context, we first made a brief state of the art on the human rights (hr) of indigenous peoples at the local and international level along with the various policies financed by national and international organizations. Then, we inquired about the various violations that the communities have suffered, deepened in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We observed this issue through our participation in a collaborative and interdisciplinary report entitled "Expanded report: socio-economic and cultural effects of the pandemic COVID-19 ...". In short, we propose to reflect on these issues from the perspective of socio-anthropological by analyzing issues in the international arena, where indigenous populations participate and are challenged.
Keywords: Organization, Argentina, State, Public Policies, Social Anthropology.
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 08:00 AM Santiago: 09:00 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 10:00 AM
South America, South Europe International Conference
April 17, 2021
Bence Göblyös
National University of Public Service
Report NATO 2030: Italy in a changing Alliance
NATO; 2030; Italy; Alliance; defence policy
Abstract in English (12 Times New Roman)
In March 2020, a group of experts was appointed by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in order to examine the situation of the Alliance in these uncertain times and to provide a proposition for the principles of the Alliance for the coming decade. After nine months of efforts, in their final report, the appointed experts introduced their vision about the future Alliance on more than sixty pages and made nearly 140 suggestions.
The main recommendation of the group is to strengthen NATO as a political institution. However, the focus is the threat imposed by Russia and China, the threats emerging from the South are also mentioned. In countering the Southern threats Italy might have a key role. By their geopolitical position, capabilities and willingness, Italy’s position can be crucial and strengthened amongst the member states. By the establishment of a new element in 2017, the NSD-S Hub in Naples, the Alliance will have a better understanding about a region so important to Italy. Of course, there are some elements opened for debate in the Report, and it should not be considered as a strategy (yet), but Italy can become one of the major players in the execution of the Report’s suggestions.
The internationalization of higher education is a dynamic process that creates student mobility and relationships between countries. In the history of academic mobility, there are countries that for many years have had the lead as host countries, due to their language, their economy, and reputation. In response to that, there are also countries which send big numbers of students to get education abroad. However, new countries and universities are positioning into the atmosphere of being internationalized, and there is a need to get more information about these processes, to understand how the relationships come to reality and are materialized in the education of international students. Analyzing the facts and figures of a European university, in this case, the University of Debrecen, it was found that the number of international students is higher in comparison to other countryside Hungarian universities. However, it was observed that the representativeness of Latin American students was lower compared to other continents. In my examination, I will consider Colombia to fully understand this dimension of internationalization with Hungary. The reason to choose this country lies that the number of students among the Latin is low and accessibility to information sources. Interviews with students and academic representatives will be analyzed. This paper seeks to explore how do the relations between Colombia and Hungary are framed. Finally, some insights will clarify the way the internationalization process is given between a South American and a central European country.
Keywords: University of Debrecen, Higher Education, Academic Relations, Sending Partners, Stipendium Hungaricum.
The Italian Armed Forces include the Italian Army, the Italian Navy, and the Italian Air Force. As the fourth branch of the armed forces, the Carabinieri take on the role of the nation’s military police. They not only carry out domestic policing duties but are also involved in various missions and operations abroad as a combat force. All four branches come under the authority of the Ministry of Defence. Despite serving under the authority of the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Guardia di Finanza is part of the military, as well. For those, who at a young age show passion and dedication to the military profession, enrolling in one of the academies is a possibility. One of the most well-known and prestigious military academies is Scuola Militare Teulié in Milan. The school was founded in 1802, as one of the oldest military academies in the world. The military school "Teulié" operates under the regulations of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research regarding the Liceo Scientifico and Liceo Classico - both types of secondary schools in Italy. During their high school study cadets do not only follow regular classes but also have specific classes about military history and military tactics.
Keywords: armed forces, italian army, military education, military academy, Milan
The Global Strategy draw the line of the EU’s area of interest in the Southern direction until Central Africa. With this, the line was just adjusted to the already existing relations. With the changing nature of the Transatlantic ties, other challenges emerged in the direction of Africa. The migration and refugee crisis showed the EU that geographical proximity matters, and Europeanization can be a game changer on the immediate borders. A dilemma on internal-external nexus appeared, and the European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) faced new challenges. One of these were the already existing question of involvement in handling migration.
The Central Mediterranean migration route gained attention, when the number of arrivals started to grow in 2015 in Italy. In the same year, with one of the fastest processes, the EU launched EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia under the CSDP to collect information and stop migrant smuggling networks. Notwithstanding the initial rather positive attitude towards the military operation, in the coming years its role in the migration process draw up questions. Together with the lopsided attempt from the EU’s side to help migratory frontline countries, the attitude towards Operation Sophia changed completely. This led to the withdrawal of naval assets of a maritime operation. In 2020, the operation was completely rebranded to Operation Irini. What were the circumstances, which led to the transformation of the EUNAVFOR MED? Most importantly what kind of new challenges these pose to the CSDP in the future?
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 08:00 AM Santiago: 09:00 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 10:00 AM
Criminality and armed groups in the International and Legal Amazonia
Keywords: Crime; Transnational crimes; Defending; Homicide and Security.
The legal Amazon faces the impact of the transnational illicit, in addition to the unbridled greed for mineral resources, which extends from the Arcominero in Venezuela to the north of Brazil, aggravating problems of environmental impacts and border security, due to the groups of the Forces Armies that protect mineral explorers. In Venezuela Megabandas joined the political summit that controls the extraction of gold, as well as members of the Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and armed military groups that represent institutionalized violence, placing Venezuela in second place for homicide in the year 2020, among the countries of South America with a rate of 45.6 per 100,000 inhabitants. For its part, Brazil reached ninth place, with 19.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. Thus, violent deaths in the North and Northeast increased due to the confrontations between the Comando Vermelho and Família do Norte factions, against the largest group, the First Capital Command (PCC), which has more and more Venezuelan members, modifying the modus criminal operandi on the Brazil / Venezuela border. Therefore, the Border Security and Defense Plans are essential for the country due to the articulation of criminality.
The Leticia Amazon Incidente as a Legitimizing Source (1932-1935)
The purpose of this presentation will be the application of certain elements and theoretical conclusions derived from the study of contemporary violence and conflict by representative authors of these studies such as the American sociologists Charles Tilly and James Rule. The case of analysis will be the international conflict of Leticia (1932-1935) led by Peru and Colombia due to their particular motivations and the need of the conflict itself for their respective governments, which would point to the use of violence for purposes of control and legitimacy. The timely involvement of the Council of the League of Nations through a special international commission made it possible to distinguish between the original motivations of the incident and its unexpected mutation at the hands of the central power in Lima and Bogotá, respectively. In this way, it was possible to determine efficient pressure measures against the Peruvian and Colombian governments to allow the installation in Leticia of an international administrative commission that at the end of a year would return the Amazonian port to Colombia.
Keywords: Conflicto de Leticia, Sociedad de Naciones, Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (APRA), Charles Tilly, James Rule
The Asháninka are considered the most resistant community in the Peruvian Amazon, they have constantly faced invaders and foreigners since colonial times. During the rubber era (1885-1915) they were forced to work in the extraction of wood, their lands were invaded by loggers. From the 1980’s, the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement and the Shining Path penetrated the region, which caused the formation of an Asháninka army and the uprising and resistance of the organizations of the indigenous people against violence, murders and kidnappings committed by members of the aforementioned armed groups. In the internal war that ended in 2000, more than 6000 community members died, another 5000 thousand people were captured and displaced to concentration camps where they were forced to work or participate in the armed struggle. In recent years, the lands of the Asháninka have been threatened again, especially by drug traffickers and by settlers who arrive to start the illegal cultivation of coca, as well as by the concessions that the Peruvian government granted to international companies. The paper aims to present the continuous struggle of these people in recent decades and to analyse current challenges and future perspectives.
Keywords: Asháninka, Peruvian Amazon, violence, Shining Path, drug trafficking
keywords: Local security measures, Covid-19, public policy, human rights, international community
The actions employed by countries affected by an extremely contagious virus have evolved around different approaches, such as economic, citizen security and the increasing level of mortality. Demonstrating limitations, measures and new socio-cultural realities that must be faced. Focusing on international actors and their response in the international community in response to Covid-19, assessing risks and how it is influencing community participation.
Specifying that these actions employed by the Countries sometimes denote a limitation/suspension of Human Rights in order to mitigate the effects given by the economic unemployment and thus preserve the health of the people, however, the covid19 only the observance of the lack of support in certain vulnerable sectors and populations, such as migrants, peasant communities, persons deprived of liberty, among others, appears. That in the face of this crisis, only measures were observed that seek to appease the effects. The following question arises: Should government institutions consider reducing limiting measures in full mitigation action?
Abstract: This presentation explores the extent to which Britain's and Colombia's privileged bilateral relationship with the United States influenced their respective journey through the European Community/Union and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The Anglo-American Special Relationship (AASR) was compatible with British participation in the European single market, but not with adherence to the monetary union or to a "European Europe" in security-defense. Projects of the Colombo-American Relationship (CAR) under Obama-Santos - such as the triangular cooperation (to export Colombian military expertise to Central America with U.S. co-financing) and “global partnership” with NATO - attracted the Colombian political-military elite, downscaling UNASUR´s relevance "collaterally." A role for UNASUR, complementary to the Organization of American States (OAS), in South American conflict resolution seemed compatible with a liberal CAR, but not with a neoconservative one. Conflict - implicit between nested organizations - surfaced between the OAS and UNASUR, but remained dormant between NATO and the EU´s Common Security and Defense Policy, allowing for a lopsided complementation. The AASR and the CAR, with their close military association, appeared to nurture in Britain and Colombia a self-perception of being superior to their neighbors in security-defense.
Keywords: International hierarchy, varieties of institutional balancing, nested organizations.
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 10:00 AM Santiago: 11:00 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 12:00 PM
A new wave of Populism has been on the ascent in the whole world. In Brazil, the situation is not different and the populist rhetoric has seized over the most recent presidential election in 2018. The aim of this paper is to explore the reasons for President Jair Bolsonaro's, considered a populist politician, victory. First, the potential motivations for this triumph are discussed, with the finding that a multidimensional crisis gripped the country in the years prior to the election, leading people to sympathize with those who were opposition to the dominant party, which culminated in a heavily divisive presidential campaign. The nation was engulfed by an economic depression that coincided with a political crisis, which had legal, social, and even cultural repercussions, with polarization and corruption playing key roles. Second, it is also discussed the multifaceted phenomenon of populism and why Bolsonaro is considered to be a populist, the latter mainly related to his appealing speeches, which tried to show himself as a politician of the people who govern for them.
Keywords: Populism, Bolsonaro, Brazil, Crisis, Elections
As it has been demonstrated by a number of academics, both the economic and political framework of the European Union and the effects of the 2008 economic crisis provided opportunities for European national minorities to voice their demands, build new alliances and mobilize local populations. More recently, the coronavirus pandemic thematized political communication and minority nationalist movements, such as the Catalan and the Scottish, also incorporated the fight against COVID-19 in their political discourses. The aim of this presentation is to asses to what extent has the pandemic served as a new platform for nationalist movements to highlight deficiencies of state administrations, build their own public support base and legitimize their secessionist goals. Catalonia and Scotland both provide examples of minority governments that played an active role in the fight against the pandemic which can be understood both in terms of concrete policies and as a communication strategy. This work will primarily focus on the latter, highlighting the effects of a global pandemic on local politics.
Keywords: Minority Nationalism; Coronavirus; Political Discourse; Catalonia; Scotland
The Spanish Armed Forces, which is currently one of the oldest in the world, has had an active role in Spain in the fight against COVID-19 since the breakout of the virus, in March of 2020. The pandemic, which currently hits Europe with the third wave, has caused more than 50,000 deaths during this timeframe. Similarly to other EU members, the Spanish government has intended to overcome the crisis by declaring a state of emergency, which has entailed the utilization of curfews and the most extensive domestic military operation in the nation’s history. In the context of these facts and factors, on the one hand, the present study seeks to explore the circumstances of the deployment of the Spanish military in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020. On the other hand, the research also intends to highlight the main characteristics of the Spanish Armed Forces, such as chain of command, personnel – including gender perspective – as well as the possible development paths of the military as a direct consequence of the experiences gained from the fight against the pandemic.
Key words: Spain, Spanish armed forces, COVID-19 pandemic, Operation Balmis, Operation Baluarte
Russia and Nicaragua have been continuing to profound their bilateral relations since 2007, just as they had been doing it historically between 1979 and 1990. Russia has also military-faced plans in relation with Nicaragua, in order to create a geopolitical pressure toward the United States by having nuclear weapons at the shore of the Central American country. In consequence, Nicaragua is highly dependent on Russian import, as in 2019 it uses almost exclusively Russian technology in its army. This small Latin-American state is in the focus in the Russian foreign policy in Latin America, next to the other two main allies, Venezuela and Cuba. Putin’s government provides also financial aid to Nicaragua in order to gain its political support in the international community. This cooperation seems to be constant as far as Daniel Ortega remains in power. In spite of the fact, that the political and military cooperation is tight between the two states, we cannot talk about significant ethnic of cultural ties.
keywords: Nicaragua, Russia, Ortega, Putin, foreign policy
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 10:30 AM Santiago: 11:30 AM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 12:30 PM
Asymmetric Dynamics and Converging Threats in Latin America between 2010 – 2020
Some new phenomena have emerged in the relations between terrorism and organized drug crimes. After the casual cooperation of the terrorist organizations and the narco cartels their activities actually complement each other coordinating the tasks in the field of finances, economics and logistics. Another interesting phenomenon is the change of methods financing terrorism as a consequence of changing the paradigm. Parallel to this one can eyewitness the bifurcation of the global terrorism. On one hand the violent methods have been held to obtain the local political goals, while on the other hand the stealth infiltration representing a mayor threat for the societies. No doubts: the strategic aims of both tendencies remain the same. to gain the political power. In the weak countries where the corruption is high, very often organizations namely declared “humanitarian” serve as covert for terrorist organizations dealing with financing terrorism. In the weak societies of Latin America it is a clear threat for these countries themselves and also for the European Union and Hungary as well.
Keywords: terrorism, drug crimes, change of paradigm, diversification, financing terrorism
El año 2019, será un año que dejará marcada a las nuevas generaciones por el impacto que ha provocado la pandemia del COVID 19 y, por las crisis internas a las que se han visto enfrentados los Estados de la región, esto, producto de crisis de larga data y nuevas formas de conflictos, que han llegado a vulnerar su seguridad nacional, situación que les ha demandado emplear a las Fuerzas Armadas en estos nuevos escenarios y, que como resultado, se alzan voces que señalan que éstas, no están preparadas para actuar en estos nuevos escenarios.
Es el caso del Estado de Chile, que luego de vivir bajo un régimen militar durante las décadas de los años 70 y 80, fue catalogado como un país exitoso por el resultado del tránsito hacia la democracia, su crecimiento económico en las décadas siguientes y su reinserción internacional; pero, que desde el 18 de octubre de 2019, vive una crisis que se inicia con un estallido social que altera un programa de gobierno democráticamente electo y, desde ahí, se surge un proceso constituyente, donde unos de los temas claves, será la creación de un nuevo Estado y un nuevo rol de las Fuerzas Armadas.
Palabras claves: Estado, Soberanía, Seguridad Nacional, Nuevas amenazas. Fuerzas armadas
The increase of violence in Guanajuato: 2015-2019
The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that brought Guanajuato to the first place in terms of homicides in 2019 nationwide. Since 2006, the government has focused its strategy to fight organized crime by encarcerating its leaders. This has dissolved serveral cartels, but their members have reorganized in new groups which fight among each other to dominate illegal trade operations.The hypothesis states that violence in the entity was the result of an invasion of the CJNG and its fight against the CSRL to dominate the theft of gasoline. To probe this hypothesis we use a multiple regression model to correlate homicides taking place from 2015 to 2019 in the most dangerous municipalities of Guanajuato with those occurring in Jalisco and Michoacán. Furthermore, we concluded through a survey that the citizens from Salamanca and Irapuato have been indirectly affected by witnessing high levels of violence in their surroundings
Keywords: León, Salamanca, Irapuato, Homicidios, CJNG, CSRL
International security beyond the covid19 crisis: the new contorns of the capitalism struggles in the global south
The global phenomena of pandemics, the emergence of populisms, massive migratory movements, the climate crisis, global conflicts, transnational organized crime networks and the constant tensions in world trade and markets lead us to see new threats to security as an increasingly important area. That needs more reflection and analysis, beyond the immediacy that news headlines produce. Reflecting on the ontology of the security context will allow us to unveil the global leadership crisis (Nye, 2020) and its implications for the global South, establishing the devices that have permeated the government dynamics that some Latin American countries have determined. It is essential to understand the implications in which the logics of social control are deployed and the way in which the management of threats and the government of the bodies are established to determine a policy of extreme surveillance and control of the population in the global south.
Keywords: Survilence capitalism, International security, covid19 crisis. Sur Global
La seguridad ha sido equiparada con la amenaza a las fronteras de un País, las personas comprenden el significado de seguridad, y este es estar a salvo de las amenazas del hambre, enfermedad, crimen y represión. Existen varios elementos que caracterizan la frontera México-Centroamérica, entre los que destacan: su diversidad geográfica; la ausencia de procesos de industrialización y la dependencia de las actividades agrícolas, pecuarias y actividades diversas en las ramas de la construcción y los servicios; esta región carece de una porosidad fronteriza y la falta de la profesionalización de los servicios de inteligencia mismos que han permitido múltiples violaciones a los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes. En épocas recientes, el vínculo entre el crimen organizado y la migración indocumentada adquiere especial relevancia. Dicha problemática se agudiza en los primeros años del presente siglo al aparecer rutas de narcotráfico que coinciden con las de los migrantes en su trayecto hacia Estados Unidos. Los migrantes enfrentan riesgos muy graves, especialmente los grupos vulnerables (mujeres y menores de edad). El crimen organizado va captando y en ocasiones raptando migrantes en dichas rutas de forma creciente, convirtiéndose en un problema de seguridad pública y de derechos humanos para el Estado mexicano.
Palabras clave: seguridad, crimen organizado, trafico de personas, violencia, migración.
Security has been equated with the threat to a country's borders, people understand the meaning of security, and this is to be safe from threats from hunger, disease, crime and repression. Existen several elements that characterize the Mexico-Central America border, among which are: its geographical diversity; the absence of industrialization processes and dependence on agricultural activities, livestock and diverse activities in the branches of construction and services; this region lacks a border porosity and the lack of professionalization of the intelligence services themselves thathas allowed multiple violations of the human rights of migrants. In recent times, the link between organized crime and undocumented migration becomes particularly important. This problem is exacerbated in the early years of this century as drug trafficking routes appear that coincide with those of migrants on their way to the United States. Migrants face profoundly serious risks, especially vulnerable groups (women and minors). Organized crime is increasingly capturing and abducting migrants on these routes, becoming a public safety and human rights problem for the Mexican state.
Keywords: security, organized crime, people trafficking, violence, migration.
Un rasgo del giro fascista del proyecto del expresidente Uribe Vélez ha sido su pretensión de elevarse al nivel de gran actor de la política regional. Esto lo hace motivado por su afán de eliminar condiciones internacionales favorables para la izquierda colombiana, que en los últimos años ha logrado un avance notable, y especialmente para lograr impunidad, pues perder el control del ejecutivo y del legislativo sería abrir la posibilidad para un juicio al expresidente por crímenes de lesa humanidad (entre ellos los falsos positivos). Por supuesto, hay que considerar un anticomunismo enfermizo que lo lleva a buscar la aniquilación de gobiernos vecinos que identifica como comunistas: Cuba y Venezuela y las fuerzas progresistas, como las del expresidente Correa en Ecuador. En el presente texto analizaremos las medidas tomadas por el gobierno colombiano en los últimos meses contra los países y gobiernos de países hermanos, en particular su pretensión de expulsar del poder al presidente Maduro, aislar a Cuba, intervenir en las elecciones de Estados Unidos a favor de la reelección de Donald Trump y detener el posible triunfo del candidato Andrés Arauz en Ecuador.
One feature of the fascist turn of former president Uribe Vélez's project has been his claim to rise to the level of a great actor in regional politics. This is motivated by their desire to eliminate favorable international conditions for the Colombian left, which in recent years has made notable progress, and especially to achieve impunity, since losing control of the executive and the legislature would open the possibility for a trial the former president for crimes against humanity (including false positives). Of course, one must consider a sick anti-communism that leads him to seek the annihilation of neighboring governments that he identifies as communist: Cuba and Venezuela and progressive forces, such as those of former President Correa in Ecuador. In this text, we will analyze the measures taken by the Colombian government in recent months against the countries and governments of sister countries, in particular its attempt to expel President Maduro from power, isolate Cuba, and intervene in the United States elections in favor of of the re-election of Donald Trump and stop the possible triumph of the candidate Andrés Arauz in Ecuador.
Bogota, Mexico DC, Lima: 11:00 AM Santiago: 12:00 PM, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo: 01:00 PM
Abstract: The rapid advance of new technologies introduces a new dimension of security that supported by the national Armed Forces. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing a great revolution in the military field both in the way that armies operate and in the training of their combatants. Mastering effective AI in defense provides a geopolitical advantage in the arms race. The use of neural networks, radars and aircraft with autonomous decision-making, promote an electronic war for the control of algorithms and profoundly change the traditional view of war.
In Spain, a National AI Strategy is advocated with a public investment of 600 million euros until 2023. Improve military capabilities through the "Force 35" project to equip the Spanish Army with robotics by 2035. And finally, adhere to the regulatory policies of the European Union, especially those set out in the Report on AI [2020/2013(INI)] that warns of the prohibition of lethal autonomous weapon systems.
Keywords: New technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Electronic war, Spanish Army and European Union.
Capabilities development is a very complex process that involves interactions between industrial suppliers of goods and services with multiple government offices often trying to balance competing objectives. The big dilemma is: How governments acquire the equipment, goods, and services needed for their armed forces at a reasonable price, appropriate quality, and with a reasonable time frame? Nevertheless, the defence acquisition system is in a perpetual state of reform; there is no evidence of improved acquisition outcomes. In this context, South America has been one of the regions worldwide that have had a considerable increase in the evolution of its defence spending, with Chile being one of the countries with the largest budget and spending at the regional level, mainly due to its economic bonanza as a result of the historical copper prices. This leads to the question: Was the Chilean procurement system preparing to absorb this high demand? What changes were necessary to implement to deal efficiently? and finally, what are the future challenges and opportunities that the Chilean defence procurement system will have to face?
Keywords: Defence acquisition, Chile, Decision making, Defence programs, Military technology.
Keywords: HAPS, pseudosatellite, stratospheric UAS, High Altitude Platform System, Systems ToolKit
Abstract: High Altitude Platform Systems, or pseudosatellites are atmospheric, specifically, stratospheric Unmanned Aerial Systems. These systems can provide services comparable to outer space satellite systems, however, they can be realized without the need of an orbital launch capability. While they geographical coverage is limited compared to space satellites, they can provide persistent coverage over a given are for a long time, weeks or even months. Pseudosatellites can carry Earth Observation or radiocommunication payloads, just like satellites.
In my presentation I will provide an overview of HAPS capabilities and potential applications, based on an imaginary operational scenario, namely, the reconnaissance support of a law enforcement operation to defend offshore gas facilities from a planned attack by an eco-terrorist group near Venezuela. At the same time, HAPS can support any defence, emergency response or natural resource observation operation.
The complex air-sea operation scenario will be presented using a simulation generated with the AGI Systems ToolKit multi-domain mission simulator software. My presentation will contain maps and pictures of the operation, and the videos will be presented via the https://horvath.space website.
South America, South Europe International Conference
April 17, 2021
Name: Iryna Leroy
Institution: University of Economy and Management, Prague and European Security and Defence College, Brussels, Belgium.
Country: Czech Republic
Email: irynaleroy@hotmail.com
Title of presentation: Cyber Autonomy Toolbox: project management of digital transformation.
Keywords: project management; cyber autonomy; information security; reputation defence; reputation management; computer security; critical infrastructures; risk management process.
Abstract in English
It was a time when military technology reinforcement and gave value and technology to business and government organizations. There are a number of technologies, specific military applications and solutions like Internet, GPS or sunglasses etc., and methodologies like strategic planning and negotiations systems were developed in the past within the military domains and later evaluated and brought to the business speed and values.
Nowadays the trend is likely opposite. Such a methodologies like Lean Six Sigma that previously give the advantages into Japanese car industry over the US has emerged in the past decade as one of the foremost users of Six Sigma to make military operations more efficient or drones widely used across many of the world top industries were actively used during the last Karabakh war in 2020.
Time flows very fast, the conflicts, wars transferred from the physical world enter technological and cyberspace. There are a big number of digital transformation projects happening around the different business domains - entering small and medium business like an Italian family restaurant to the transnational oil and gas companies like Shell or British Petroleum or even within the executive branch of the European Union - European Commission. All of those organizations use different technology online in order to optimize processes, innovate faster, collaborate efficiently and deliver more value with less effort. Economics defence like never before means national security. For that reason, because of ongoing digital transformation projects also Cyber Security has a period of “testing mode” along with Cyber Autonomy that aim to support business critical infrastructure. Different methodologies are in place to do the best possible to adjust to new data-driven economy conditions. It is a business turn to bring the best practice and excerpts to reinforce national security and offer effective Toolbox for smooth Cyber Autonomy digital transformation projects.
Title of presentation: Cyber Autonomy Toolbox
• Comperison of project management methods for digital tranaformation
• Project management digital transformation in contexts of Cyber Autonomy
• Comparison of the project management tools in connects of Cyber Autonomy
• Cyber Autonomy Toolbox
Keywords: project management; cyber autonomy; information security; reputation defence; reputation management; computer security; critical infrastructures; risk management process.
Technological advances accompany the evolution of society rapidly, being present in several sectors of the economy. One sector that deserves a prominent role is maritime transport, responsible for approximately 80% of world commerce. The development of autonomous ships, commanded by algorithms and information technology, is a topic that has been in debate for some years. The project has advantages, such as reducing operating costs, replacing crew members with systems equipped with artificial intelligence, as it promises to revolutionize the maritime industry soon, however it lights up an alert. The dissociation of this mode of transport from human action considering the increasing automation can expose several countries to risks, with the likelihood of cyber and terrorist attacks, accidents as increases vulnerability to piracy, with high catastrophic potential. This paper aims to discuss the interference of autonomous ships in maritime security, especially in the South Atlantic, since the region has large participation in international commerce and might be the stage for intense traffic. With a qualitative exploratory approach and inductive method, it is intended to identify what will be the risks produced by the attempt of introducing this disruptive technology in the maritime domain.
Keywords: Autonomous Ships; Technological evolution; Maritime Security; South Atlantic; Shipping.