To what extent the report, presented by the AIDA Special Committee, shortly to be voted on at committee level and then before the European Parliament's plenary, takes into account the interests of the V4 countries? In the light of the experiences, what are the objectives of V4 countries participating in the AI Act negotiation process and what else could or should they expect from the European Union in the field of artificial intelligence? We will seek answers to these questions together with Mr Axel Voss, rapporteur of the AIDA special committee report, Mr Ernő Schaller-Baross, Hungarian member of the AIDA committee and stakeholders representing the relevant sectors within the V4 Cooperation. By creating platform to discuss the dilemmas on AI regulation and impacts of the technological development, the event is going to be followed up with non paper issued by the participants and other stakeholder organisations interested in AI Act on national level.
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