Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó (Ludovika Szárnyépület)

Ludovika Szárnyépület/Földszint-John Lukacs Társalgó

Ludovika Szárnyépület

1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.

JUDICON-EU Conference

28-29 September 2023
University of Public Service, 1 Ludovika square, 
Side Building, John Lukacs Lounge



28 September, Thursday

9.00 Regisztráció

9.30-9.50 Welcome speeches

Bernát Török (Director, Eötvös József Research Centre, UPS)

Kálmán Pócza (Principal Investigator, JUDICON-EU research project


     Constitutional Review in Western Europe I.

9.50-10.10   The German Federal Constitutional Court: An Unbounded Court?
Oliver W. Lembcke

10.10-10.30  The Belgian Constitutional Court and the Law-Maker: Navigating between Constitutional Rights and Consociational Politics  
Patricia Popelier – Laura Martens 

10.30-10.50  The Supreme Court of Cyprus: The Centre of Gravity within the Separation of Powers
Constantinos Combos – Athina Herodotou

10.50-11.20  Coffee break


Constitutional Review in Western Europe II.

11.20-11.40  The French Constitutional Council: The Gradual Emergence of a Co-Legislator? 
Servane Le Dû

11.40-12.50 The Austrian Constitutional Court 1990-2020: A Human Rights Stronghold Despite Increasing Judicial Restraint 
Konrad Lachmayer – Susanne Gstöttner

12.00-12.20  The Irish Supreme Court: Judicial Restraint in a Stable Political Environment
Brian M. Barry 

12.20-14.00  Lunch


Constitutional Review in Western Europe III.

14.00-14.20  The Italian Constitutional Court. A Powerful Political Institution
Luigi Rullo

14.20-14.40  The Portuguese Constitutional Tribunal
Paula Fernando – Ana Pinhal

14.40-15.00  The Spanish Constitutional Court: The Judicial Politics of Constitutional Review and Interpretation
Joan-Josep Vallbé

15.00-15.30  Coffee break


Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe I.

15.30-15.50  The Croatian Constitutional Court: From a Potentially Powerful Court to a Court of Rejections

   Monika Glavina

15.50-16.10  The Czech Constitutional Court: Selective self-constraint as a bulwark against the executive capture
Katarina Šipulová - Alžbeta Králová

16.10-16.30  Constitutional Review in Estonia: A Significant Force that Aims at a Pragmatic Outcome
Paloma Krõõt Tupay 

16.30-16.50  The Hungarian Constitutional Court: Dialogue in Practice
Kálmán Pócza – Gábor Dobos – Attila Gyulai


29 September, Friday

Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe II.

9.30-9.50     Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia: Dialogue and Cooperation among Constitutional Bodies
Anita Rodiņa – Dita Plepa

9.50-10.10   The Lithuanian Constitutional Court: A Strong Guardian of the Constitution that Has Gradually Consolidated its Position in the State
Dovilė Pūraitė-Andrikienė

10.10-10.30  The Polish Constitutional Tribunal Encounters with Politics: Negative Legislator and the Third Chamber 
Artur Wolek – Iga Kender-Jeziorska

10.30-11.00  Coffee break


Constitutional Review in Central and Eastern Europe III.

11.00-11.20  The Romanian Constitutional Court: Layers of Constitutional Adjudication in the Case Law of the RCC
Csongor Kuti

11.20-11.40  The Slovak Constitutional Court: Towards a New Era? 
Max Steuer – Erik Láštic

11.40-12.00  The Slovenian Constitutional Court. Thirty Years of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
Polona Batagelj

      12.00-13.30   Lunch




Organised by

Politika- és Államelméleti Kutatóintézet
