A new wave of Populism has been on the ascent in the whole world. In Brazil, the situation is not different and the populist rhetoric has seized over the most recent presidential election in 2018. The aim of this paper is to explore the reasons for President Jair Bolsonaro's, considered a populist politician, victory. First, the potential motivations for this triumph are discussed, with the finding that a multidimensional crisis gripped the country in the years prior to the election, leading people to sympathize with those who were opposition to the dominant party, which culminated in a heavily divisive presidential campaign. The nation was engulfed by an economic depression that coincided with a political crisis, which had legal, social, and even cultural repercussions, with polarization and corruption playing key roles. Second, it is also discussed the multifaceted phenomenon of populism and why Bolsonaro is considered to be a populist, the latter mainly related to his appealing speeches, which tried to show himself as a politician of the people who govern for them.
Keywords: Populism, Bolsonaro, Brazil, Crisis, Elections