Cyber Autonomy Toolbox: project management of digital transformation.

17 Apr 2021, 18:45



Iryna Leroy (University of Economy and Management, Prague and European Security and Defence College, Belgium)


South America, South Europe International Conference
April 17, 2021

Name: Iryna Leroy
Institution: University of Economy and Management, Prague and European Security and Defence College, Brussels, Belgium.
Country: Czech Republic

Title of presentation: Cyber Autonomy Toolbox: project management of digital transformation.

Keywords: project management; cyber autonomy; information security; reputation defence; reputation management; computer security; critical infrastructures; risk management process.

Abstract in English
It was a time when military technology reinforcement and gave value and technology to business and government organizations. There are a number of technologies, specific military applications and solutions like Internet, GPS or sunglasses etc., and methodologies like strategic planning and negotiations systems were developed in the past within the military domains and later evaluated and brought to the business speed and values.

Nowadays the trend is likely opposite. Such a methodologies like Lean Six Sigma that previously give the advantages into Japanese car industry over the US has emerged in the past decade as one of the foremost users of Six Sigma to make military operations more efficient or drones widely used across many of the world top industries were actively used during the last Karabakh war in 2020.

Time flows very fast, the conflicts, wars transferred from the physical world enter technological and cyberspace. There are a big number of digital transformation projects happening around the different business domains - entering small and medium business like an Italian family restaurant to the transnational oil and gas companies like Shell or British Petroleum or even within the executive branch of the European Union - European Commission. All of those organizations use different technology online in order to optimize processes, innovate faster, collaborate efficiently and deliver more value with less effort. Economics defence like never before means national security. For that reason, because of ongoing digital transformation projects also Cyber Security has a period of “testing mode” along with Cyber Autonomy that aim to support business critical infrastructure. Different methodologies are in place to do the best possible to adjust to new data-driven economy conditions. It is a business turn to bring the best practice and excerpts to reinforce national security and offer effective Toolbox for smooth Cyber Autonomy digital transformation projects.

Title of presentation: Cyber Autonomy Toolbox
• Comperison of project management methods for digital tranaformation
• Project management digital transformation in contexts of Cyber Autonomy
• Comparison of the project management tools in connects of Cyber Autonomy
• Cyber Autonomy Toolbox

Keywords: project management; cyber autonomy; information security; reputation defence; reputation management; computer security; critical infrastructures; risk management process.

Primary author

Iryna Leroy (University of Economy and Management, Prague and European Security and Defence College, Belgium)

Presentation materials

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