Fostering Colombian Remigration: Law 1565 of 2012, the so-called Return Law

17 Apr 2021, 10:15



Amadea Bata-Balog (NKE KDI)


International migration processes of large-scale in- and outflows often divert the attention of politics and society from the importance of return, a subject lacking extensive research. However, in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2008, movements of ex-patriates have directed the origin countries, choosing to re-emigrate to the motherland. This was especially significant for Latin-American countries, such as for Colombia, a state with long-standing emigration, yet implementing a relatively successful peace agreement at the moment, with prosperous future scenarios. Along with Colombian nationals being impelled to move back from Venezuela as a result of the worsening – but at least stagnant – crisis in the neighborhood, there has been substantial changes in the magnitude of return flows to Colombia.
It is within this context, the phenomenon of remigration of Colombian nationals has given reason for increased interest in both the political and academic field. The analysis aims at introducing the most important policy initiative from the side of the Colombian Government, under the umbrella of ‘Colombia nos Une’, and its ‘Return Plan’ developed and corroborated by the Law 1565 of 2012, also known as the Return Law (Ley de Retorno) fostering and assisting return migration of the Colombian diaspora. Identifying the returnees’ profile considered in these policies, the paper portrays who can beneficiate from this public policy program, as well as it outlines the main indications of the Unique Registry of Returnees (RUR).

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