Európa Stratégia Kutatóintézet

The Legacy of An Ever Closer Union in 2021 - Perspectives of Democracy and Integration


In the first part of the round table discussion, participants representing geographical diversity in Europe will talk about the relationship between their Member States/ their home countries and the EU, such as providing an overview of their key historical moments in the EU, but also about current topics related to the national and EU response given to the Covid crisis. In the second part, participants will discuss the actual challenges to the future of EU integration, including how a multi-speed Europe can create a community for European citizens.

Invited attendees: Dubravka Suica (Vice-President of the European Commission), Mikuláš Dzurinda (President, Wilfried Martens Centre), Tibor Navracsics (Head of EUstrat),  Csilla Hegedüs (Government of Romania), Antonio Lopez Isturiz White (European People's Party), Jyrki Katainen (Sitra), Axel Voss (MEP), Moderator: Bernadett Petri (EUSTRAT) 

During the event, every few minutes there will be a live summary of the event in Hungarian on our website

*Disclaimer: "The seminar receives financial support from the European Parliament. Sole Liability rests with the organizer; the European Union is not responsible for the activity."