22 November 2019
Oktatási Központ
Europe/Budapest timezone

Run of the opinions about artificial intelligence before and after the establishment of Artificial Intelligence Coalition [Mesterséges Intelligencia Koalíció]

Not scheduled
Oktatási Központ/Földszint-Aula (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/Földszint-Aula

Oktatási Központ

1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.
Show room on map


Hanko, Viktoria


The objective of the presentation is to show the run of the emotions and opinions of the society about the artificial intelligence, compare the period before and after the Artificial Intelligence Coalition [Mesterséges Intelligencia Koalíció] started to work. The presentation based on sentiment-analys and social media analys. The basis of the research is the SentiOne software and also the Fanpage Karma which helped to analys the Facebook page of the organisation.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, sentiment-analys, social media analys

Primary author

Presentation materials