22 November 2019
Oktatási Központ
Europe/Budapest timezone

Sustainable Tourism as a Tool for Community Development

22 Nov 2019, 14:30
O-108 (Oktatási Központ)


Oktatási Központ

1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.


Mrs Aldiab, Maysaa (National University of Public Service (NKE))


Technological advancement, low-cost airlines, better incomes, uncontrolled demand and concentration of tourism in specific sites create new risks to sustainable tourism like crowding, stress on locals, pressure on infrastructure, loss of biodiversity, climate change, or damage to touristic and archaeological sites. Sustainability requires coordination of efforts of stakeholders like local communities, tourists, business, government organizations etc. To rethink their current practices, we need to address such challenges of growing tourism and its negative impact with innovative solutions.

Primary author

Mrs Aldiab, Maysaa (National University of Public Service (NKE))

Presentation materials