22 November 2019
Oktatási Központ
Europe/Budapest timezone

Post-conflict societies and environments in relation to contracting private military and security companies in support of enhancing social, economical and political stability

22 Nov 2019, 11:10
O-108 (Oktatási Központ)


Oktatási Központ

1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.


Mrs Palotai, Monika


Private military and security companies have a substantial role in the security environment of post-conflict situations by covering vital security needs. The availability of such services carry both opportunities and risks. Contracting PMSCs can effectively support reconstruction efforts, strengthen law and order and on the sly can represent foreign lobby power as well. When it comes to lengthened foreign policy than accountability, oversight, democratic control and transparency is at risk. Therefore these companies can enhance reconstruction and stability but also able to obstruct it.

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