22 November 2019
Oktatási Központ
Europe/Budapest timezone

The threat of small and medium-sized enterprises in cyberspace

Not scheduled
Oktatási Központ/Földszint-Aula (Oktatási Központ)

Oktatási Központ/Földszint-Aula

Oktatási Központ

1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.
Show room on map


Jager, Aron (National Security Collage)


Enormous exposure, huge losses, sensitive information and negligence. This is how the small and medium-sized enterprises in cyberspace could be described in short. It employs nearly 2 million people and despite his steadily growing numbers and earnings the SME’s nevertheless invests very little in preventing incidents and investigates even less of them. Could there be a paradigm shift at a company without suffering millions of damages? What to do with the current lack of trust, which leads to a multitude of unexplored problems? The fight for IT security professionals is intense...

Primary author

Jager, Aron (National Security Collage)

Presentation materials