Oil is one of the most important sources of energy. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. This fact could provide an opportunity for significant incomes and an important foreign policy position. However, the word crisis comes to mind about the country, nowadays. Venezuela’s economy is highly depends on raw materials. Oil accounted for more than 83% of exports in 2019. Oil...
The Islamic minority in South America and Southern Europe
It is a well-known fact that many have left the Middle East due to the constant threat of ISIS. The increase of migration has posed a serious security challenge, especially for the countries of the European Union, but there is also significant migration outside Europe. Although the wave of emigration in connection to the Middle East...
Migration Strategies: South America vs Europe. A comparative analysis of Ecuador, Colombia, Hungary, and Spain
Migration and migration strategy appears on the security agenda of many countries, not only in Europe but also within South America. The issue is quite current because “South-South” migration is growing; this means that immigrants within Latin America are looking for new destinations...
Mainstream literature often engages with investigating securitization of the European refugee crisis of 2015 by the right-wing political parties in the member states of the European Union (EU). By taking a rather different route, the current study takes the issue with the question of how reactions of the left-wing populist SYRIZA government in Greece are shaped. Although Greece was among the...
Latin America, despite being a middle-income region and the fact that pink-tide era brought new socioeconomic models and the region experienced alternative forms of development, continues to face a number of socioeconomic challenges. The current increasing phenomena of poverty and inequality, harmful effects of economic production on environment and traditional rural communities, violence...
International migration processes of large-scale in- and outflows often divert the attention of politics and society from the importance of return, a subject lacking extensive research. However, in the aftermath of the economic crisis of 2008, movements of ex-patriates have directed the origin countries, choosing to re-emigrate to the motherland. This was especially significant for...
Language policy is a key factor in minority language maintenance; this is the reason why this conference paper overviews the Brazilian language policy changes from the 19th century to the present time. As a result of the positive changes of the 20th century, the preservation of all traditional languages becomes preferred and desired, as part of the Brazilian cultural diversity. This study...
Although the latest migration charts show that compared to the peak period, there are significantly less migrants using the Eastern Mediterranean route to enter the European Union, the region came into focus again, when specific Western European outlets and whistleblowers alleged that the European Border and Coast Guard Agency - in tandem with the Greek authorities - have been continously...
Név: Kranzieritz Viktória
Oktatási intézmény: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
Ország: Magyarország
Cím: Ciprus, hogyan tovább?
Kulcsszavak: Ciprus, Görögország, Törökország, gázmezők, energiabiztonság
A Ciprus kérdés az 1950-es évek óta folyamatos feszültséget okoz a görög és a török felek között. Míg az 1900-as években, főleg az etnikai összecsapások voltak jellemzőek,...
The challenges of MeD-NATO cooperation in the light of NATO2030
One of the challenges of NATO's partnership policy is to be able to use the framework and toolbox in a more efficient way along with NATO priorities in the light of new types of security challenges. The security situation in the MENA region is continuously deteriorating because the extent of security challenges such as terrorism,...
Chile has traditionally been one of the most stable and strongest state in Latin America. At the same time, partly for historical reasons, Chile is also involved in challenges to its national security, such as Bolivia's territorial claims for the recovery of a lost sea exit or the overlapping territorial demands that divide the surface of Antarctica. In the 21st century, both areas could mean...
La relación de la víctima con el sistema penal (Europa) debería centrarse en la tutela de la posición de la víctima, con la aplicación del ius puniendi del Estado. ¿Cómo se concreta? En el plano normativo, reconociendo sus derechos por parte del ordenamiento, y a la hora de aplicar la normativa jurídica, mediante la eliminación de obstáculos para la protección de los intereses de las víctimas...
Urban marketing and governance of local governments in Ecuador
This article analyses the role of governance and urban marketing of twenty-fourth local governments in Ecuador according to the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and the Organic Code for Regional, Autonomous and Decentralized Organization (COOTAD). The governance debate demonstrates the potential that local governments may...
The upcoming discussion is a segment of a lengthy research which analyzes how did the authoritarian governments adopt a new, more stinging and malign form of Soft Power. While the original study circulates around the authoritarian states, this particular piece concentrates on South America and claims that the future of democratic development of the region is under threat. This analysis will...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the related political and economic crisis had serious negative effects on MERCOSUR member states, including Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This political entity within the Latin American region gives a solid base for comparison regarding governments’ policy responses. The study aims to examine the measures introduced by the governments concerned to ease the...
Illegal Migration: experiences and challenges in Chile
International news often speaks about illegal migration to Europe or the US. Very rarely do we hear about illegal migration within Latin America. Chile is one of the countries chosen within the region among the people who want to find a better future. Simultaneously, illegal migration is increasing, already causing a migration crisis in...
Poblaciones indígenas y Derechos Humanos en el ámbito internacional
En las últimas décadas en América Latina, en general, y particularmente en Argentina, las y los indígenas irrumpieron en la escena pública como sujetos socio-políticos, mediante su organización activa en interacción, negociación y/o disputa con diferentes actores sociales y niveles del Estado. En este sentido, las...
Criminality and armed groups in the International and Legal Amazonia
Keywords: Crime; Transnational crimes; Defending; Homicide and Security.
The legal Amazon faces the impact of the transnational illicit, in addition to the unbridled greed for mineral resources, which extends from the Arcominero in Venezuela to the north of Brazil, aggravating problems of environmental impacts and border...
The Leticia Amazon Incidente as a Legitimizing Source (1932-1935)
The purpose of this presentation will be the application of certain elements and theoretical conclusions derived from the study of contemporary violence and conflict by representative authors of these studies such as the American sociologists Charles Tilly and James Rule. The case of analysis will be the international conflict...
The internationalization of higher education is a dynamic process that creates student mobility and relationships between countries. In the history of academic mobility, there are countries that for many years have had the lead as host countries, due to their language, their economy, and reputation. In response to that, there are also countries which send big numbers of students to get...
The Asháninka are considered the most resistant community in the Peruvian Amazon, they have constantly faced invaders and foreigners since colonial times. During the rubber era (1885-1915) they were forced to work in the extraction of wood, their lands were invaded by loggers. From the 1980’s, the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement and the Shining Path penetrated the region, which caused the...
The Global Strategy draw the line of the EU’s area of interest in the Southern direction until Central Africa. With this, the line was just adjusted to the already existing relations. With the changing nature of the Transatlantic ties, other challenges emerged in the direction of Africa. The migration and refugee crisis showed the EU that geographical proximity matters, and Europeanization can...
keywords: Local security measures, Covid-19, public policy, human rights, international community
The actions employed by countries affected by an extremely contagious virus have evolved around different approaches, such as economic, citizen security and the increasing level of mortality. Demonstrating limitations, measures and new socio-cultural realities that must be faced. Focusing on...
Abstract: This presentation explores the extent to which Britain's and Colombia's privileged bilateral relationship with the United States influenced their respective journey through the European Community/Union and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The Anglo-American Special Relationship (AASR) was compatible with British participation in the European single market, but not with...
A new wave of Populism has been on the ascent in the whole world. In Brazil, the situation is not different and the populist rhetoric has seized over the most recent presidential election in 2018. The aim of this paper is to explore the reasons for President Jair Bolsonaro's, considered a populist politician, victory. First, the potential motivations for this triumph are discussed, with the...
As it has been demonstrated by a number of academics, both the economic and political framework of the European Union and the effects of the 2008 economic crisis provided opportunities for European national minorities to voice their demands, build new alliances and mobilize local populations. More recently, the coronavirus pandemic thematized political communication and minority nationalist...
The Spanish Armed Forces, which is currently one of the oldest in the world, has had an active role in Spain in the fight against COVID-19 since the breakout of the virus, in March of 2020. The pandemic, which currently hits Europe with the third wave, has caused more than 50,000 deaths during this timeframe. Similarly to other EU members, the Spanish government has intended to overcome the...
El año 2019, será un año que dejará marcada a las nuevas generaciones por el impacto que ha provocado la pandemia del COVID 19 y, por las crisis internas a las que se han visto enfrentados los Estados de la región, esto, producto de crisis de larga data y nuevas formas de conflictos, que han llegado a vulnerar su seguridad nacional, situación que les ha demandado emplear a las Fuerzas Armadas...
Abstract: The rapid advance of new technologies introduces a new dimension of security that supported by the national Armed Forces. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing a great revolution in the military field both in the way that armies operate and in the training of their combatants. Mastering effective AI in defense provides a geopolitical advantage in the arms race. The use of...
The increase of violence in Guanajuato: 2015-2019
The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that brought Guanajuato to the first place in terms of homicides in 2019 nationwide. Since 2006, the government has focused its strategy to fight organized crime by encarcerating its leaders. This has dissolved serveral cartels, but their members have reorganized in new groups which fight among...
Capabilities development is a very complex process that involves interactions between industrial suppliers of goods and services with multiple government offices often trying to balance competing objectives. The big dilemma is: How governments acquire the equipment, goods, and services needed for their armed forces at a reasonable price, appropriate quality, and with a reasonable time frame?...
International security beyond the covid19 crisis: the new contorns of the capitalism struggles in the global south
The global phenomena of pandemics, the emergence of populisms, massive migratory movements, the climate crisis, global conflicts, transnational organized crime networks and the constant tensions in world trade and markets lead us to see new threats to security as an increasingly...
South America, South Europe International Conference
April 17, 2021
Name: Iryna Leroy
Institution: University of Economy and Management, Prague and European Security and Defence College, Brussels, Belgium.
Country: Czech Republic
Email: irynaleroy@hotmail.com
Title of presentation: Cyber Autonomy Toolbox: project management of digital transformation.
Keywords: project...
La seguridad ha sido equiparada con la amenaza a las fronteras de un País, las personas comprenden el significado de seguridad, y este es estar a salvo de las amenazas del hambre, enfermedad, crimen y represión. Existen varios elementos que caracterizan la frontera México-Centroamérica, entre los que destacan: su diversidad geográfica; la ausencia de procesos de industrialización y...
Technological advances accompany the evolution of society rapidly, being present in several sectors of the economy. One sector that deserves a prominent role is maritime transport, responsible for approximately 80% of world commerce. The development of autonomous ships, commanded by algorithms and information technology, is a topic that has been in debate for some years. The project has...
Un rasgo del giro fascista del proyecto del expresidente Uribe Vélez ha sido su pretensión de elevarse al nivel de gran actor de la política regional. Esto lo hace motivado por su afán de eliminar condiciones internacionales favorables para la izquierda colombiana, que en los últimos años ha...